Partner Introduction: Okendo: Product Reviews & UGC

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Product reviews and rating is an essential part of user-generated content (UGC) that can enhance customers’ trust and boost conversion. Therefore, Boost Product Filter & Search keep a prime focus on integration with Shopify product reviews apps so online merchants can easily display reviews rating on both collection pages and search result pages. Today, we want to introduce you to our new partner in this category, Okendo: Product Reviews & UGC.

About Okendo: Product Reviews & UGC

Okendo is a 5-star Shopify product review app. They are a Shopify Plus certified app that is currently serving 3,500+ growing Shopify merchants.

The pricing of Okendo is based on the number of orders monthly, covering a large range starting from $29 to several hundred. Enterprise-level businesses can enjoy bespoke widget builds, tailored integrations, and custom reporting without any limit.

Okendo has a top-notch customer success team that is willing to help you plan and execute customer reviews strategies. Merchants can get instant and hands-on support via live chat, email, phone call, knowledge base, and even an Account Manager if they subscribe to large plans.

Outstanding features of Okendo

okendo product reviews dashboard


Here you can see all the reviews that shoppers have left on your products, then you can choose to reject spam, phishing comments, and publish appropriate reviews. Also, this feature enables you to:

  • Add attributes like product dimensions so customers can base on these to rate your items
  • Group products and display reviews of the whole group rather than individual product reviews


Q&A is a widget that allows you to display frequent pre-purchase questions with answers. It also helps to collect customers' questions on product pages so you can address their concerns.


There are various display options for product reviews such as Reviews Widget on product pages, average aggregated Star Rating under product items on collection pages, Homepage Carousel, Media Carousel, Media Grid, Reviews Badge, Reviews Tab, Q&A Widget. You can change the design to support your branding.


With Mail, Okendo lets you customize email content and automate post-purchase email sequences for review requests and reminders.


Rewards offer some incentives like coupons, loyalty points to encourage buyers to leave positive feedback.


Reports not only shows your reviews growth, analyze customers’ sentiment but they also give you the performance of the email sequences.

How Boost x Okendo Integration helps Shopify merchants

Our partnership with Okendo: Product Reviews & UGC allows mutual customers to display review ratings as filter and sorting options within a few clicks.

To turn on the integration, you just need to switch on the toggle in Tool > Integration on Boost Product Filter & Search dashboard.

After that, you can create a review ratings filter option by Add filter option in the selected filter tree or create a sorting option using Sort by options. Head here to see the step-by-step guideline.

merchant use both okendo product reviews & boost product filter search

Current Body uses Okendo to collect and manage product reviews and uses Boost Product Filter & Search to display them in the filter tree.

Moreover, all Okendo customers can enjoy a 30-day extended trial when you install Boost Product Filter & Search. As the tech team of 2 apps have been working hand in hand for the integration, we can help you resolve any problems related to review ratings and filter trees in a time manner.

Try Okendo: Product Reviews & UGC now if you are looking for an app to help you build customers’ trust and drive conversion.

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
5 min read