A Snapshot Of What's New With Boost Product Filter & Search In Q3/2022

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Time flies. We already take some first steps in the last quarter of 2022 and a series of holiday sales is approaching. In the past three months, Boost Product Filter & Search app has sharpened our weapons to assist Shopify merchants better in this upcoming busy shopping season. We are thrilled to share with you the latest updates regarding Filter by Inventory location, Instant search UI, and more.

Leverage Your “No search result” Page With More Settings

We all know that “No products found" is like a dead-end in the shopping journey of online customers. Therefore, Boost released Search page without result settings to help Shopify merchants overcome that hurdles.

In this upgrade, users can:

  • Customize No result message to make it more shopper-friendly and “human"
  • Display search tips so customers can perform better searches and get the results they want
  • Display search term suggestions and the most popular products to keep customers entertained and engaged
no search result suggestions with message, search tips, products, search terms using boost product filter and search

When enabling search term and product suggestions, you can either add your own or choose the auto-suggestions based on your store data. The former works like a charm if you want to promote certain keywords or items, for example, as a sale campaign. On the other hand, most searched phrases and best-selling products are suitable in most cases.

A UI Upgrade For Instant Search Widget

The ultimate goal of Boost Product Filter & Search is to provide customers with a sleek shopping experience so merchants can gain more in terms of both profits and retention. Hence, we focus not only on the functionalities but also on the UI/UX of the features. Last quarter, we made several tweaks to the instant search layout. Now you can see it much more fashionable with:

  • More contrast when hovering at any element
  • Optimized product images’ size to boost visual merchandising
  • Product prices in highlight so shoppers can easily notice the difference
new instant search ui by boost product filter and search shopify app

Besides, users can now show more context with the description of the collections and the blogs/pages’ excerpts when showing them on the search results pages.

display collections and pages on shopify search result pages

The Stock Status For Filter by Inventory Locations Gets More Precise

The location filter is of great help to stores with multiple places to stock inventory, fulfill orders, and sell products. However, it used to cause confusion when it came to displaying the stock status. This is due to the fact that a product can have several variants and their stock varies in each inventory location.

shopify filter by inventory locations update

To assist merchants in addressing this issue, we have updated a setting in the Filter by Inventory Locations. This allows users to choose whether to base the inventory status on product or variant quantity.

Shopify Meetups In Person Were Back!

After 2 years of no social gathering as the effect of the pandemic, September 2022 finally marked the comeback of big offline events within the Shopify community. The first one was Shopify Meetup in Hanoi, Vietnam that Boost co-hosted with PageFly and Secomapp.

Check out the recap of the event here.

Soon after that, we welcomed back Shopify Unite at the first stop in London. We didn't join this event in person but this Unite Recap for London Edition gathers everything Shopify Merchants & Partners should know. So don’t forget to have a look!

shopify unite 2022 in london

What's Waiting Ahead For BFCM?

To prep for the upcoming busy sales holiday, Boost focuses on a sustainable and scalable infrastructure system to support any traffic spike. This makes sure every change in your store's backend is reflected on time in your storefront.

Also, for new merchants who haven't yet optimized the product filter and site search and gain generous benefits from it, WE ARE DISCOUNTING 30% FOR ALL PLANS. The biggest deal of the year ends soon in November so don't miss this chance!

BONUS: Together with Boost Product Filter & Search's discount, we gather a bunch of exclusive deals from our partners who are also top Shopify apps to back your BFCM this year.

Leverage holiday sales with Boost and partner

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 29, 2024
6 min read