Boost Commerce 2019: Year in Review - Breakthroughs for a New Chapter

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Another year has come to an end at Boost Commerce. That means we get to sit down (yes, actually sit down because all Boosters are secretly kangaroos and we stand all the time while working) and reflect on the past journey. It’s thrilling to have been through such a year. We have so much to look back on and be grateful for.

In 2019 alone, halfof the to-day Boosters joined the team! That means we have welcomed 20 members who share the same vision of growing eCommerce with technology and more importantly - the spirit of getting sh*t done! We smashed our own past records, achieved key results, launched new versions, made awesome friends. And of course, we had lots of fun going through it all together.

With more than 20 new members joining, we had a great opportunity to build a strong foundation for the company, which now organized into 4 teams. They are:

  1. Product team
  2. Customer Service team
  3. Growth team 🎉
  4. Admin/HR team 🎉

Growth and Admin/HR are completely new to Boost. We’re so happy to have these wonderful human beings putting them together.

At this point in our (very short and young) journey, we’re slowly understanding our why. The whole process of coming to this realization was nerve-racking, but we are thankful that we did so. This past year was about experimenting with new ideas and building a foundation for the next years at Boost that truly lights up our vision.

We honestly believe that any organizations are only as great as their people. Therefore, we’d like to say a very heartfelt thank you to each and every Booster who has made our team so great, and the six thousands of partners and merchants who believe in us and our growing partnerships. You all have worked SO hard, truly gone above and beyond, and keep blowing us away every single day.

Boost would not be here without you.

Thank you.


First official Shopify Meetup in Vietnam

In March, we joined the first-ever official Shopify Meetup in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City - HCMC), with the sponsorship of Shopify and WeWork.

This event featured expert speakers (Shopify Partners of various products), offered networking opportunities, and discussed the best how-tos of Dropshipping in the Shopify ecosystem. Moreover, Shopify Experts and successful dropshippers will provide teaching, insights, and support for anyone who wishes to run a growing dropshipping business.

shopify meetup vietnam hcmc boostcommerce

The speakers were:

  • Khoa Le - Founder and CEO of FireApps, with the popular Shopify app AliReviews.
  • Tony Tri Nguyen - Co-founder of Boost Commerce with the app Product Filter & Search (yay our man!).
  • Tuan Bui (aka Tony) - Co-founder of PageFly, Affiliate Growth Manager at PageFly.
  • Hoang Chu - Successful Dropshipping Merchant - generated millions of dollars in revenue.
  • Chau Le - Co-founder of H3Space. Expert of MMO (Affiliate, Dropshipping).

Although the place is limited to 50 seats, the event was packed. It was a blast!


Shopify Meetup in Hanoi, Vietnam

Another meetup - how productive was that! The Shopify Hanoi Meetup was the second official Shopify meetup in Vietnam, which PageFly and VTCAcademy generously organized it all for us.

Felix from PushOwl and Namra Deka from Shopify also contributed a very insightful Shopify Mastermind session the day before the official event. We gathered to discuss expectations from Shopify and what Shopify expects from its partners in future years.

We also discussed marketing Shopify Apps best practices lead by Felix, about which he shared the best techniques to market Shopify apps on the App Store.

Boost Product Filter & Search is picked to be in Trending Apps on Shopify App Store

boostcommerce trending apps.png

On a humid sunny day late May, we found out that our app Boost Product Filter & Search was selected by Shopify team to stand in Trending apps. Woohoo 🎉 This amazing opportunity gave us a push in installations that week. We will keep pushing harder to get similar chances like this!

BBQ party to let off some steam

It has been an amazing month for all of us, especially when it ended with a sweet touch from our BBQ Party. The best part was that we got to spend the whole day together under the same roof, working, chatting, eating, having fun. We will definitely have more of this to come!

boostcommerce bbq party team culture


Shopify Unite 2019

We were honored to join the Shopify Unite 2019! Canada here we come CA.

shopify unite 2019

With Tony, our co-founder joining the event, we had some bonding time with Flagship - a Shopify & Shopify Plus Expert team from Japan, the famous Weglot that can make your website multilingual (we had a great technology partnership thanks to this trip!), Searchanise, and many more lovely partners!

boostcommerce flagshipp shopify unite 2019

Our co-founder, Tony Tri with Flagship team.

boostcommerce weglot shopify unite 2019

Our co-founder, Tony Tri with Weglot team.

boostcommerce searchanise shopify unite 2019

Our co-founder, Tony Tri with Searchanise member.

You can read the full update article by Shopify here.


Shopify Partner Meetup in Penang, Malaysia

We attended this amazing event for Shopify partners and merchants, discussing how to win new market share via eCommerce.

We were happy to see Meekco.Asia, Paypal and successful Shopify merchants as they shared the eCommerce trends and innovative ways of payment to merchants.

The meetup will cover a broad range of topics including :

  • The potential of eCommerce for your business
  • Innovation in cross-border multi-currency payment solutions
  • Sales funnel and conversion of real case study
  • Why do you need a digital brand presence
  • Success stories sharing and networking


Shopify Plus Partner Event & E-commerce Expo Asia

We participated in the Shopify Plus Partner Education Day and E-commerce Expo Asia in Singapore to bring BoostCommerce closer to the world.

We learned lots of valuable insights about the industry of site search and the eCommerce market, as well as many brands building amazing products! This event really broadened our horizons and motivated us to push further in the development journey of our Boost Product Filter & Search.

boostcommerce ecommerce expo asia 2019

Look how Jenn - our Product Specialist seemed so happy with her Shopify stickers!


Shopify Post Unite Meetup in HCMC, Vietnam

We were happy to co-host the event with PageFly and welcomed new partners with POD and dropshipping merchants. They are all loyal Shopify partners and looking forward to Shopify future growth. Some of Boost Commerce members joined the event and helped around with logistics and networking too - aren’t they amazing?!

shopify postunite meetup hcmc vietnam boostcommerce

New Admin V2 goes live!

After months in development, we launched the new Admin V2 successfully to all 5,000+ customers. Give it a read here!

product filter search admin v2 boostcommerce

Closing numbers

Till the end of 2019, we want to celebrate by making a milestone in development, with:

  • +7,600 active merchants
  • +5,000 paying merchants
  • ~90% user growth throughout the year

We are proud to have been serving, and will continue to serve giant brands and contributed our humble effort to their success. Some of the names are Boeing, Ford, Mavi, GAP, Durex, etc.

We have collected 528 of 5-star reviews in a total of 550 reviews, with the overall rating of 4.9.

5 star reviews support boostcommerce

The product & development team has made it peacefully through a hectic BFCM, despite the fact that the filter requests were more than double the regular records. We managed to keep the load speed below 200ms even for high-traffic stores.

product filter search load speed boostcommerce

Celebrating together 💃

It’s amazing to reflect on milestones we’ve achieved as a creative, inspirational, and energetic community.

Heading into a new year, full of plans and hope, take this time to celebrate your own achievements in 2019 too. We hope that these changes have brought you a positive outlook and confidence as Shopify Partner, as we set off to kickstart all the exciting plans for 2020.

Now let’s have a round of applause for 2019, don’t you think? 😊

Thank you for checking in, we’ll see you very soon!

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 25, 2024
3 min read