What's new with Product Filter & Search by Boost Commerce in Q3/2021?

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming around the corner, so Boost is touching up our weapons to better assist Shopify merchants in this possibly most profitable sales season. In this article, we’ll walk you through some of the latest updates of our features and our system that have been released in Q3/2021

Feature Updates of Boost Product Filter & Search

Sync Schedule and Sync History

Since the last quarter, we have made an overhaul for the Sync feature with a separate tab for users to control multiple sync options. This month, more useful settings are added so all the changes you make are reflected on your storefront in a timely manner.

With Sync schedule, you can preset a particular sync type to be triggered. It comes in handy for sync options that do not automatically start such as Sync multiple-language data, Sync multiple-currencies data, and Sync product item custom layout. By default, our app runs auto-sync for recent updates with the app settings every 3 minutes, and every 7 days for best-selling products data. As a result, you may not need to schedule a sync process for these options unless you have other plans.

sync schedule boost product filter search update

The Sync history lets you know the status of all previous sync processes. The simple filter at the top helps you quickly navigate between different sync types including Manual sync, Auto-sync, and Scheduled sync.

sync history boost product filter search update

Read more on Sync schedule and Sync history.

Default sorting options in Sort by options

Last quarter, we also introduced Sort by options, a separate tool that allows users to create a wide range of sort types. This quarter's update will give you more power to customize the default sorting order for your search page and collection pages.

default sorting options | boost product filter search updates

See full instructions here.

New Display settings to enhance Customer experience and SEO

Shorten URLs when selecting multiple filter option values

shorten urls after applying filter options | boost update

A neat and clean URL makes your websites look organized, which is a positive signal for search engine bots when it comes to search rankings. Therefore, the Boost team has developed a new setting to streamline the default URL when multiple filter options are applied.

shorten urls after applying filter options | before image
shorten urls after applying filter options | after image

As you can see, the lengthy URL https://boost-commerce-team.myshopify.com/collections/all?pf_opt_size=M&pf_opt_size=XS turns into https://boost-commerce-team.myshopify.com/collections/all?size=M,XS after we tick the new setting.

Show matched variant image by filter option

This setting will automatically update the product image according to the selected filter option. For example, when you choose the color Green in the Filter by color option, the image for the product in Green will show up.

Currently, we can match the product image with the Filter by product options (like Size, Color, Material, Style, Title). These are Variants of a product when you create it in the Shopify admin.

show matched variant image by filter option | boost update

Other News of Boost Product Filter & Search

Brand New Status Page

To better communicate any issues with the system, we have released the Status Page. Here Boost users can view the operation status of Data Sync, Search & Filter API, and Shopify Admin App. Any incidents will be updated with reasons and the estimated time to fix.

boost status page

You can find the Status page on the menu of our website. Moreover, it's better to subscribe to our Status Updates to get informed of any incidents.

Affiliate Program

With a view to nurturing a strong community of both partners and merchants, we recently launched our affiliate program. When joining with us, referrers can get 20% lifetime recurring commissions and have access to our marketing and co-branded promotional resources, while the referred stores can enjoy dedicated support 24/6 via live chat, email, and phone.

Have a look at the affiliate program and become a part of our community today.

More good news is awaiting!

As the last quarter of 2021 is approaching, the Boost team is working day and night to bring many more useful features to our customers. Shopify Unite’s announcement of free storefront filtering is definitely a drive for Boost to quickly release new functions, bringing more value to merchants and partners.

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
3 min read