The Social Proof Advantage: How to Use Social Proof for B2B Deals

Thorin Tran
Jun 14, 2024
3 min read

These days, social proof marketing is essential for any kind of organization, even B2B companies.

According to Wiser Notify, 92% of B2B buyers are convinced to purchase after reading a trustworthy review.

Positive customer reviews help product marketing. These initiatives bring in clients and build brands for products. Customers' feedback is also valuable to businesses. Using social proof as a tool, you can make landing pages people want to click on. Credibility and trust in brands could be enhanced using this approach.

Customer loyalty and outstanding service are the critical aspects of rave reviews and enthusiastic promotion of a brand.

This article will discuss how social proof helps B2B businesses thrive.

Understanding Social Proof's Impact

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people become encouraged to adopt comparable behaviors or views after getting positive opinions regarding something.

Making social proof is valuable for both B2B and B2C businesses. Here, we are focusing on B2B business only. You may build credibility and trust with prospective customers by presenting evidence of happy customers and their positive experiences in your B2B business.

  • Using influential case studies or testimonials is one method to express how your product or service can help other businesses.
  • Real case studies offer verifiable proof of how your product has assisted companies in overcoming obstacles and achieving their objectives in the competitive B2B industry.
  • Finally, promoting trustworthy companies or celebrities might influence buyers and enhance sales.

What is Social Proof?

The concept of "social proof" is rooted in psychology. It promotes the practice of behaving similarly to how other people act. We go to our friends and family for guidance when we're stuck.

Social proof is all around you if you give it some thought. Most people adjust their actions based on the choice of their friends. Even if they aren't consciously doing it.

For example, your speech changes when you're around " a guy" or "a girl" versus with family. Or, when you respect a famous person, you may take their word as a fact, even if you don't have all the information.

You might not be the first to provide your opinion on a Facebook or Twitter debate, but you might be the second or third person if you see many others discussing it.

Consumer behavior is also influenced by social proof. Generally, we are less likely to place our faith in a company if we hear negative things about it from friends or family.

For instance, if you see a new popular restaurant in the area that everyone loves, you might feel confident about trying it out. Here are some facts regarding social proof that you may need to keep in mind:

  • When searching for new brands, 40% of buyers depend on recommendations from friends and family.
  • Before making a purchase, about 70% of customers check internet reviews.
  • After reading a reliable study, more than 92% of business-to-business buyers are inclined to buy.

Various Types of Social Proof

Social proof gathers happy customers, inspiring success stories, and influential people recommendations that can significantly impact B2B sales.

For example, it's natural for customers to think carefully before purchasing bulk products. Because it demands a lot of time and money, get social proof using a bulk order app at your Shopify store. It will help your customers feel more confident.

hand tapping phone

Testimonials are strong recommendations from satisfied clients highlighting a good or service's observable advantages and outstanding outcomes.

Case studies offer more thorough insights than testimonials since they detail how a product or service has successfully addressed specific difficulties and produced beneficial outcomes.

Influencer endorsements are essential for creating the authority and reputation of business leaders in the marketing domain. By collaborating with these influential people, brands may highlight their goods and services' outstanding quality and advantages.

Businesses can gain clients' trust by integrating social proof into their strategy, eventually increasing sales.

How to Use Social Proof to Make B2B Sales

Way 1 - Make a Reliable Presence on Social Media

Working with well-known social media pages could boost the trustworthiness of your B2B brand. You can also find people who can connect with the people you want to reach.

Now you can ask, Why?

Because they can market your brand better, and more people will easily believe in it.

  • Additionally, encourage others to share positive experiences on social media. Provide helpful content online and respond fast to client comments to demonstrate your knowledge. Business-to-business services will be shown to be beneficial.
  • Moreover, trust and confidence are enhanced when consumer success stories are shared on social media. Motivate potential customers by demonstrating how your service or product aided them in reaching their objectives.
  • Lastly, Hashtags are a great way to build a community around your business and its consequences. Engaging with people and watching social media demonstrates interest in customer feedback and a willingness to help.

Way 2 - Know your Target Audience

You can find your audience more quickly if you know your buyer's characters. You can reach and connect clients better with marketing if you have detailed profiles of them.

Create a buyer persona of your clients and start working based on that.

Demographics, preferences, problems, and purchasing patterns should all be part of the buyer persona. By analyzing your data, you can find out who buys from you and why, which means you can create more informed strategies.

An excellent way to build social proof is to ask clients for recommendations. People who have heard good things about your product or service are likelier to trust and respect it.

Way 3 - Brand your product or Service Effectively

Case studies of operations that went well can also be used as social proof. Show how your goods or services have helped other businesses by giving real-life examples. Customers who buy from you can send you leads and social proof. If someone tells their friends about your business, they are happy with it and trust what you offer.

People trust you more when you post client logos on your website and marketing tools. Famous people using your products or services boost sales because charged characters eliminate doubts. Product giveaway ratings and reviews provide social proof. Customer reviews reflect how useful and gratifying your products are.

hand packing items

Research from PowerReviews shows that nearly all buyers (95%) look at reviews written by actual customers before making a purchase, with 86 percent saying that reviews are critical.

Benefit from sales pitches and success stories illustrating how your products address problems. Showing new customers how you helped others helps them succeed. It increases the likelihood of a sale.

Way 4 - Meeting the Needs and Preferences of Customers

Social proof strategies must adapt to B2B consumer tastes in sales. Case studies and testimonials may lose favor with decision-makers.

Hubspot reports that 66% of customers want companies to understand their demands.

Given the rapid evolution of today's business landscape, complex data and figures might not sway decision-makers. Sales teams need social proof strategies that can adapt to the evolving expectations of these picky consumers.

Companies should experiment to demonstrate credibility and consumer satisfaction. Effective strategies include industry-specific case studies or success stories. Businesses can build customers' trust by listening to their issues, predicting their tastes, and providing proven answers.

Way 5 - Looking At The Newest Changes In Social Proof

Influencer marketing is popular for business promotions. To influence purchases with social proof, utilize the popularity of a social media influencer. Moreover, Working with experts and community leaders builds customer trust and confidence. Also, businesses gain awareness and customer loyalty with this method.

Today's fast-paced workplace requires real-time client assessments. Honest customers gladly endorse products and services. Businesses may build customer trust by carefully posting these credible testimonials on their websites and social media pages.

Nosto found that 86% value authenticity among customers when choosing which brands to back, and 60% consider UGC the most authentic material.

User-generated content (UGC) is a dynamic method for sharing original ideas. It means posting positive evaluations, scores, and client recommendations online. This option boosts businesses' reputations and customer numbers.

Bottom Line

Social proof is essential for all kinds of businesses, including B2B marketing.

A B2B company can increase sales by making the brand more reliable, trustworthy, and well-known. Even though business owners need clarification about social proof, we covered everything in this post so that a B2B business owner can easily do their job.

Thorin Tran
Search Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read