Start Earning Money With Boost Affiliate Program Today

Cici Nguyen
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

According to Statista, retail eCommerce sales in 2021 reached roughly 5.2 trillion US dollars worldwide. Did you know this value is expected to rise by 56% over the following few years, reaching around 8.1 trillion dollars by 2026? This industry is still very potential for all brands who already plan to put their leg in to grow their business. And you, as an eCommerce enthusiast, have a tremendous opportunity to help these store owners build their online presence to reach millions of shoppers.

Products are crucial, but not everything when building an eCommerce store. Before customers can reach the right items, they need to experience a discovery journey, which requires support from third-party solutions, like Boost AI Search & Discovery, to make it smooth and engaging as much as possible. Hence, we have launched the Boost Affiliate Program.

What Is Boost Affiliate Program For?

Wait! What is affiliate marketing?

Don't worry if you’re a novice. In short, it refers to a revenue-sharing method in which you, as an affiliate, will earn a commission for successfully referring a customer to us.

Back to the Boost Affiliate Program, with the mission to offer online merchants a complete product discovery suite for higher conversions while offering eCommerce enthusiasts a chance to make passive income, Boost offers 20%of lifetime recurring profit share for each paying customer you refer to us.

Who can join our program? This program is for:

  • A Shopify agency that is helping Shopify merchants build great eCommerce stores
  • An eCommerce influencer who loves sharing knowledge and insights about this fast-growing industry to your community
  • A Boost advocate thinks that store owners should use our app

Or even if you just want to find a way to get a decent income outside your nine-to-five job, you're all welcome.

boost ai search and discovery affiliate program

How Do You Get Commission As Boost Affiliate?

Before digging deeper, we want to introduce a bit about the Boost app and our pricing plans.

Beyond a filter & search app, Boost AI Search & Discovery is a complete product search and discovery suite committed to creating the best possible tool to help merchants and partners generate more revenue with less effort:

  • Intelligent with AI-powered search.
  • Sales-efficient with AI/ML recommendations & merchandising.
  • Advanced with filters by any criteria.
  • Insightful with shoppers' behavior & product performance reports.
  • Powerful with highly secured multi-regional infrastructure.
  • Dedicated with a 5-star support team.

We currently offer flexible with new pay-as-you-grow pricing with 3 different packages to satisfy different demands from store owners:

Boost Pricing Plan - Affiliate Program

Boost provides a subscription-based service, hence; our users will pay a premium monthly depending on their plan. Once you become a Boost affiliate, you will get a 20% lifetime profit share on each paying customer.

You can flexibly choose one of these options with your commission:

  • As a recurring commission (by default, min. payout of $50)
  • As a fee for customization (upon request)
  • As a discount for your referrals (upon request)

Boost pays out once at the end of every quarter via PayPal with a thorough report of commission and referral details.

Note: Referral stores already applying other discount(s) will NOT receive the 20% commission unless they subscribe to the new plan and no longer get the discount.

Exclusive Benefits For Boost Affiliates

We understand that ‘if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.’ Besides building a great app for e-merchants, the Boost team is keen on collaborating with Boost affiliates to help each other grow strongly.

Exclusive Perks

Regarding feature-related resources, after becoming our affiliate partners, you will get the following:

  • Premium 24/6 email support from our expert team
  • Free app usage for development/affiliate stores. This benefit assists you in the early stages of creating an eCommerce empire.
  • Exclusive product training sessions with the Boost team.
  • Early access to our advanced features and add your voice to improve one of the leading Shopify apps.

Co-Marketing Benefits

To succeed in the affiliate program, it is crucial to build up and expand your own community. That's why the Boost team is also open to co-marketing activities with you, our affiliate partners, to reach thousands of prospects. Some that we are offering now:

  • Promotional support and materials like case studies, e-books, etc.
  • Link-building opportunities and guest posting.
  • Get featured on our website, social media, or newsletters.

How To Join?

Excited to join our program? Hopefully, you've decided to take the bull by the horns and become a proud Boost affiliate.

Here's how to enter:

  • Step 1: Fill up all required information in this form.
  • Step 2: Receive an approval email with a referral link from
  • Step 3: Share your referral link with the community or add your current referrals to your dashboard following this instruction.

And that's it! We can't wait to e-meet you as part of this fantastic journey. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to message us at

Cici Nguyen
Email Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
5 min read