How Pinup Girl Clothing Uses Boost Product Filter & Search App to Improve eCommerce Navigation

Cici Nguyen
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

About the Brand

  • Pinup Girl Clothing
  • Industry: Fashion & Apparel
  • Platform: Shopify Plus
  • Challenge: Filter products to match the complexity of product tags and customer’s taste

Founded by CEO and Head Designer Laura Byrnes in 1997, Pinup Girl Clothing started with a rack of hand-sewn clothes in her living room. Two years later, was launched. Within a few short years, it has become a premier destination for unique, high-quality vintage-inspired clothing, shoes, and accessories.

In The Spotlight: Brian Felsen, Pinup Girl’s Lead of Marketing

Brian Felsen is the lead of Marketing at Pinup Girl Clothing, helping the brand grow through digital marketing activities. Prior to this, he was - for years - the President of CD Baby, the largest distributor of independent music, as well as a fan and customer of Pinup Girl Clothing.

How To Choose The Right Shopify Apps For Your Store?

When choosing an app, we first looked for the number of users and then reviews. However, it was primarily the user base that clued us in on whether the app has legs and will continue to be adopted. At that point, we tested out many apps for functionality and ease of use.

Why Product Filter & Search (PFS) by Boost Commerce?

We learned about it on the Shopify App Store. Internally, the app is our go-to solution for managing the way that our inventory is found and discovered on our site.

We do not have to mess with it too much, the PFS app works right "out of the box", and without our maintenance, it does a perfect job over 90% of the time. Plus, it was easy to set up the app, to get it running and integrated with our theme.

"After the trial ended, we found that customer adoption and ease of use made this app an unparalleled solution for our brand."

👉 Create fully-functional and easy-to-use product filters within just a few minutes with PFS!

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What Challenge Did PFS Help You Beat Away?

The challenge the app helped us face was our hodgepodge of product tags. We have tagged items in different ways over a 20-year period to reflect our changing internal needs and customer tastes.

PFS allowed us actually to merge tags so that we could display items grouped in ways that would never have been possible without it.

→ PFS does do wonders for your Shopify store’s product filter and search. Discover all of its super powers at: Product Filtering by Boost Commerce vs Shopify OS 2.0 Storefront Filtering

PinUp Girl Clothing eCommerce navigation

Pinup Girl Clothing allows shoppers to discover different product types to complete their outfits. (Source: Pinup Girl Clothing)

The feature we use the most is the app's ability to create a discoverable hierarchy of our products by category that makes sense to shoppers, not merely by collection, but by product type. Besides, it can filter out variants, such as sizes, that are not currently in stock.

This is a huge win for our customers and our brand, as PFS makes the shopping experience much better for our shoppers. Thus, they can discover products and accessories to complete their outfits, and filter by size in stock to see only relevant products.

"We’ve seen an increase in sales in a way that matters to our brand - by fulfilling the needs and delighting our customers."

What Other Product Filter Feature(s) Have You Enjoyed?

I am most excited by PFS’s new features to improve search, especially synonyms and stop-words. Thanks to them, our shoppers, who do not always know our internal lingo for our items, can find results most relevant to them without frustration.

I know that we will be implementing the PFS's new functionalities to rank and prioritize search results so that we can surface new or popular items easier for our customers.

Would You Suggest This App to Other Merchants?

Our experience using the app has been one of unmitigated joy and I can't recommend it highly enough!

Your helpful analytics section confirms what our customers are telling us in our Facebook Customer Lounge.

In the last 2 weeks alone, literally, tens of thousands of people have used it to search for (and click on) our clothing on our site. They were also using PFS to discover and purchase beautiful new fashions.

"Finally, customers can find what they are looking for out of all of our designs. They, and we, are thrilled."

Want to read more about how other winning Shopify stores getting conversion boosts with PFS?

→ Visit our Case Studies and Learn from the best!

Now Is The Best Time To Supercharge Your Shopify Store’s Conversion Rate

Don’t let your hard-earned visitors bounce away because of a bad product discovery experience. Let us help you let them find exactly what they are looking for with our powerful product filter and search tool!

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Cici Nguyen
Email Marketing Specialist
June 25, 2024
6 min read