Boost Commerce 2020: How Boost & Boosters have changed in a year

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

2020 was such an unusual year for Boost and also for many businesses all over the world. The pandemic starting at the beginning of 2020 changed us in different ways.

With all hard work, Boost and Boosters have thrived to make progress in the time of the pandemic. As a brand new year is approaching, we want to spend some time looking back at the achievements in the year 2020.

What's new with Boost in 2020

The outbreak of COVID-19 in the beginning of 2020 did cause some changes in our strategic plan. Yet, Boost still managed to many proposed resolutions from 2019. Let's see what it is.

New Branding

We had been nurturing a plan for rebranding for a long time. Although we have built the old brand BoostCommerce since the beginning, we realized some of its limitations when customers mistook the company name. Therefore, to make it short and sweet, BoostCommerce becomes Boost.

rebranding logo boost year in review Boost Commerce

With new branding, we also upgraded the website with a new structure and of course better UI/UX.

boost website year in review Boost Commerce

New Pricing

In 2020, Boost also reached a point when a change in the pricing system was necessary to keep up with the growing customer pool.

Boost Commerce Boost Product Filter & Search introduces new plans for Shopify Plus

We introduced new plans for Shopify Plus stores to better cater to the specific need of this customer segment. Plus pricing helps escalate business growth with full access to all features and premium support with the highlight of the fast & secure AWS infrastructure.

Besides, we applied a systematic way for pricing tiers, which slightly increased the price for some regular plans.

New Features Release

June was such a big month for us. Together with changes in branding and pricing, Boost released 4 important features, namely: Analytics, Merchandising, Stop words, Synonyms.

june release boost year in review Boost Commerce

Search & filter analytics has proved to be an excellent source for shopper insights, which can help business owners with SEO strategies and other important decisions. Merchandising is a great way to upsell products because it gives you better control of the product order in the collection page and search result page.

Next came the launch of Product Visibility and Custom Range Slider in August.

august release boost year in review Boost Commerce

From September, we updated App Library Version 2.0 for some customer segments with new settings and features. Our target is to get all merchants the latest app version to enjoy latest release and integration. So contact us via if you want to accelerate the upgrade.

august release boost year in review Boost Commerce

Since November, we have upgraded sync system. It is expected to reduce the sync speed by at least 50%.

In December, Boost became one of the Shopify apps that support ADA/WCAD. Due to the law enforcement in the U.S, eCommerce websites are more and more aware of web accessibility. This is our response to give Shopify merchants a hand in terms of legal compliance.

ada release boost year in review Boost Commerce

That's all important updates of Boost Product Filter & Search in 2020.

What's about the people behind these changes? Let learn how Boost team progressed last year

New Team Members

In 2020, we welcomed 25 new members

  • 11 in Product team
  • 07 in Customer Service team
  • 02 in Growth team
  • 05 in Admin/HR - Operation team
boost team 2020 year in review Boost Commerce

With 2 new positions Operation Executive, Customer Service Manager, we are bettering team communication and collaboration as well as having the best support for our merchants.

New Ways for Team Bonding

Although Boost has been a “work from home” team right from the beginning, lockdown orders under COVID-19 outbreak did made us change the way we connect with each other outside work.

boost online activities year in review Boost Commerce

There are many new channels for Boosters to exchange ideas about non-work-related topics such as films, movies, books, travel.

boost year in review cooking Boost Commerce

Boosters are all great cooks

boost year in review photographing Boost Commerce

and excellent photographers as well

boost year in review learning Boost Commerce

Boost always encourages members to learn and to share their achievements

Last year, Boosters have hosted 4 internal workshop about various topics from lifestyles to more technical issues.

Because meeting each other in person is not convenient, we have virtual happy hours every Friday in which members can have a free talk or play online games together.

2021 is awaiting…

2020 has been a memorable year with significant changes in Boost app and Boost team. With a new year to come, Boost is expanding with a lot of plans for new advanced features and new potential markets.

After all, our achievements are all thanks to you, our dearest customers. Your ideas and feedbacks have helped us improved our product and services. Thus, we want to send our sincere gratitude to +8000 Shopify merchants and partners that are using Boost Product Filter & Search. Thank you for your accompany during all the ups and downs throughout the past 4 years.

Also, this article is a tribute to all Boosters who have worked day and night for the sake of the app and the satisfaction of the customers. Boost couldn't have gone that far without you.

Thank you.

We can't know when things will really be back to normal, but Boost will never cease to thrive to serve the customers at our best and provide a stimulating environment for Boosters.

Cheers to the 4th anniversary of Boost!

Cheers to the new year!

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
5 min read