Blogging for Conversions: How Content Marketing Can Drive Sales for Your Brand

Cici Nguyen
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

We're sure you've all heard the digital chatter about content marketing and its stellar role in the traffic game. And all that noise is justified. Content is an MVP in ushering visitors to your online doorstep, creating that all-important brand awareness in the noisy digital marketplace.

But what if we told you it's got even more up its sleeve?

Here's the scoop: content marketing isn't just a virtuoso when it comes to generating traffic. It's also a behind-the-scenes magician in driving website conversion rates. It can contribute significantly to nudging potential customers further down the sales funnel, transitioning them from casual visitors to devoted buyers.

The challenge, however, lies in the type of content you create. You see, we're not just talking about any content. The trick lies in conversion-focused content. This is where blogging becomes an essential part of your marketing artillery.

Your blog is a fantastic opportunity to steer potential customers toward making a purchase decision. You'll do that using a range of carefully crafted content strategies.

So, let's flip the narrative. Let's not only use content marketing to drive traffic but to drive sales as well. We'll do just that in this article!

Include a Natural Product Mention Without Sales Pressure

Let's take a look at a strategy that hits the sweet spot between being informative and gently promoting your product: natural product mentions. You want your product to be part of the conversation, but it shouldn't dominate the dialogue. The key here is the right balance so that you'll drive sales in the long run.

The best way to explain this tactic is through a real-life example. We'll take a look at Going, a company offering budget-friendly airfare deals.

Going have cleverly mastered this strategy with their guide, How to Use Google Flights to Find Cheap Flights. It's an indispensable resource for anyone looking to navigate the confusing terrain of flight booking. The guide isn't overly promotional or salesy; it offers practical advice that resonates with the needs of its target audience.

Yet, in this useful resource, it’s subtly woven in mentions of their product. It's clever, non-obtrusive, and it makes sense in the context. The product mentions don't distract from the guide's usefulness but rather complement it.

By doing this, Going doesn't push sales pressure onto its readers. Instead, it positions itself as an expert guide that's there to help them find affordable flights. It gives value first, making readers feel supported and understood.

And here's the beauty of this approach: readers appreciate this authenticity. They're more likely to trust Going and remember the brand. Moreover, those needing an affordable flight will likely sign up for Going's service. That’s because the guide has already demonstrated that Going knows its stuff when it comes to finding cheap flights.

This organic product mention builds credibility, fosters trust, and positions Going as an expert. It's a win-win situation. Readers get the information they need, and Going gets its product in front of potential customers, managing to drive sales without the hard sell.

a guide on how to use Google Flights published by Going

Create Content for Commercial Search Intent

Smart content targets those potential customers who are ready to pull the trigger on a purchase – the ones with commercial search intent. These visitors are at the crucial decision-making stage of their buying journey. Using the right strategy can tip the balance in your favor and help you drive sales.

Creating content for commercial search intent is about meeting potential customers exactly where they are in their buying journey and giving them the information they need to make a purchase decision. As you craft your content, keep those ready-to-buy customers in mind. Create content that speaks directly to their needs, and the sales will follow.

So, how do you cater to them? By addressing their needs with detailed reviews and comparisons.

Detailed Product Reviews

For one, detailed product reviews are one of the most impactful types of content. According to a survey by the Spiegel Research Center, 86% of shoppers treat online reviews as a deciding factor when making a purchase. They're a powerful tool to build trust in your product and ultimately drive sales.

A prime example is Medical Alert Buyers Guide, a website reviewing medical alert systems. Amongst their content is an article titled: “Bay Alarm Medical SOS Smartwatch Medical Alert Review."

This highly detailed post guides those ready to purchase a medical alert system by providing valuable insights into the Bay Alarm Medical product's features, usability, and effectiveness.

That way, they eliminate any final doubts their customers may have and nudge them closer to conversion.

a Bay Alarm Medical product review published by Medical Alert Buyers Guide

Internal Product Comparisons

The other impactful type of content is internal product comparisons. These are excellent for customers who have decided to buy a product, but are unsure about which specific model or version to choose.

A brilliant example of this approach comes from Transparent Labs, a natural sports nutrition supplements provider. It publishes highly detailed internal product comparisons in the form of blog posts. Take their post, "What Is the Best Creatine Supplement?", as an example.

The blog post provides clear, comprehensive information comparing various creatine supplements. The guide enables readers to make an informed decision about which product suits them best.

a post on the best creatine supplements published by Transparent Labs

Help Customers Get the Most out of Your Product

We've all heard that knowledge is power, right? That's what this tactic hinges on. By educating your potential customers about how to get the most out of your product, you're empowering them and boosting their confidence in using your product. In the long run, that's a surefire way to drive sales.

So, put on your educator hat and deliver useful content. When your audience learns how to use your product to its full potential, they're more likely to value it and even become brand ambassadors.

A stellar example of this tactic is MarketBeat, a platform offering stock news and research tools. It offers a product that assists with penny stock trading. But it didn't stop at just creating and selling this product. Instead, the brand has taken an extra step to create a whole cluster of content revolving around trading these types of low cost stocks.

Besides the report itself, MarketBeat provides tons of information on the topic, additional resources, tips, FAQs, and more. This is a goldmine of information for anyone looking to navigate the volatile world of penny stocks. On top of that, it's also a showcase of how MarketBeat's product can be an essential tool in their arsenal.

This tactic does two things brilliantly:

  1. It positions MarketBeat as an authoritative source of penny stock information, boosting trust and brand loyalty.
  2. It subtly shows the utility and value of their penny stock trading tool. By illustrating how their product fits into the bigger penny stock trading picture, readers are compelled to think, "Great, I could really use that tool!".

Furthermore, by addressing the needs and problems of its audience, MarketBeat is able to drive sales and build a community around the brand. This fosters long-term customer relationships that can lead to repeat sales and customer loyalty.

a guide on penny stocks by MarketBeat

Announce New Product Features

When you launch a new feature or product, your blog is an ideal platform to provide your audience with an in-depth look at what's new and exciting about your offer. Blog posts allow you to delve into details that might not fit into a brief social media post or advertising copy. That makes them a perfect complement to your broader marketing campaign.

Your blog is a great ally when you roll out a new product or feature. It's your platform to engage, excite, and educate your audience about your latest innovations. With this approach, you can turn product announcements into potent tools to drive sales and increase customer engagement.

A shining example of this tactic is Apple, the tech giant known for its trailblazing innovations. Whenever Apple introduces a new feature or product, it makes sure to publish an exhaustive blog post detailing every single update.

For instance, when Apple launched the Vision Pro, it didn't just make an announcement. Apple published an extensive blog post, "Introducing Apple Vision Pro," which dove deep into the new features.

This detailed blog post walked readers through all the innovative features the product offered, complete with compelling visuals, user interface snapshots, and benefits. It was an engaging narrative that guided users through the exciting journey of exploring the new product.

By giving readers a comprehensive understanding of how the Vision Pro enhances their Apple experience, the post created anticipation and demand for it.

A post about the introduction of the Vision Pro by Apple

Create and Support the Market for Your Product

So, you've got this fantastic product, but your potential customers aren't even aware that they need it. Educating people about your niche can create a market for your product and position your brand as an industry leader.

This approach isn't just about creating immediate sales. It's about building a long-term demand for your product by positioning it within a desirable context or lifestyle. It plants the seeds of brand recognition and loyalty.

As you craft your content, think about how you can create and support your product's market. Can you inspire and educate your audience about your niche, all while making it sound utterly irresistible? If the answer is yes, you're on the right track to drive sales with your content.

Let's dive into an example to illustrate this. Meet GILI Sports, a brand known for its superb range of paddle boards and kayaks. They've crafted a post that's an absolute masterclass in this tactic: "The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Stand Up Paddle Boarding." The guide is a goldmine for those just dipping their toes into the world of SUPing, serving as a comprehensive primer.

GILI Sports does more than just educate people about stand-up paddleboarding. The brand makes it sound like the adventure of a lifetime. The post showcases the SUPing industry's exhilarating appeal. It paints a vivid picture of the thrill, fun, and wellness benefits of this sport.

And why does this work so well for them? It's because GILI Sports isn't simply selling paddle boards. It’s selling an enticing lifestyle, a unique experience. By educating people about SUPing, GILI Sports is building a market, a new generation of potential customers eager to dive into this exciting world. And the first brand they'll think of when they decide to get their own paddle board will be GILI Sports.

a guide on stand up paddle boarding by GILI Sports

Final Thoughts

Content marketing is no longer about solely driving traffic or enhancing brand awareness. Its use extends to crafting an engaging narrative that guides visitors through a seamless user journey, from intrigue to conversion.

As we've demonstrated through our discussion on various tactics, the strength of content marketing lies in its versatility. Its ability to drive sales without actively selling, to inform and inspire, and most importantly, to transform visitors into customers.

Each blog post is an opportunity to resonate with your audience. Use it to demonstrate your expertise and subtly guide your readers toward making a purchase.

Cici Nguyen
Email Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
7 min read