8 Benefits of Marketing Automation for eCommerce Businesses

Cici Nguyen
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Irrespective of whether you run an established eCommerce store or are starting on your journey to build the next Amazon or eBay, you can’t do everything on your own.

Let’s face the hard truth - there’s so much to do, from marketing, and order procurement and fulfillment, to managing your inventory, implementing lead nurturing campaigns, and everything else that falls in between.

Building an eCommerce business is a challenging and extremely taxing process.

Enter eCommerce marketing automation, which is the silver lining your eCommerce business has always craved for. Today, marketing automation is Harry Potter’s magic spell that frees you from performing dull and mundane tasks.

Through automation, you build a personal and less time-consuming relationship with your potential customers.

That’s the power of marketing automation.

In this article, we discuss what eCommerce marketing automation is and explore its numerous benefits.

What is eCommerce marketing automation?

eCommerce marketing refers to the process of using web-based services or tools to plan, implement, and automate repetitive eCommerce marketing tasks. In simple terms, it’s marketing work that happens automatically. You just set it up, and it keeps running.

In eCommerce, classic examples of marketing automation are sending cart abandonment reminders to customers, or making free-delivery exit intent pop-ups visible to customers.

When it comes to marketing automation, the sky's the limit. Today, it involves sending newsletters, personalized recommendations, adverts, and emails based on a customer's specific actions.

Kartra, HighLevel, and other marketing automation platforms

As the quintessential buzzword of modern-day marketing, marketing automation is an obvious step towards taking your business to another level. However, with various marketing tools in the market, you must carefully examine and select tools based on your business requirements.

Now that you're to speed up, here are some marketing automation platforms that can get your job done:


Kartra is powerful and all-in-solution for selling, marketing, and delivering courses and online training. For marketers who don't want to deal with integrating multiple systems, Kartra is the best option. With advanced automation, it lets you use various automation features based on your customer's behavior, such as opening an email and watching a video.

Interestingly, Kartra sends follow-up messages, subscribes and unsubscribes customers to your email list, and adds the email address to your marketing sequences.


While Kartra has long been a pioneer in marketing automation, sometop Kartra competitors leave no stone unturned in helping small and large eCommerce brands grow multifold.

HighLevel for marketing automation

Competitors like HighLevel offer phenomenal features that take your business to the next level. HighLevel handles all your marketing needs, from capturing to nurturing and closing leads. With HighLevel, it’s easier to create fantastic landing pages, automate your messages, and close more deals.


HubSpot's marketing automation is a popular choice among marketers for customer sentiment. The software offers a full growth suite including sales, support, and marketing automation software. From offering a simple email list autoresponder, to building a complex network of rules for targeting specific customers, HubSpot has all your marketing automation needs covered.

Interestingly, it integrates automatically with HubSpot's CRM. Though it takes time to master the tool, the creative possibilities are endless once you get a grasp.

8 Benefits of marketing automation for eCommerce Businesses

Here are some reasons why you need the services of a professional CRM platform offering marketing automation for your eCommerce business:

Saves time

Whether you agree or not, time is your most important yet scarce resource. For every second you save, you give yourself and your team members time to work on more productive tasks.

As automation uses digital technology, it boosts internal productivity and practically removes every possible manual task.

Your team will no longer waste time completing repetitive tasks, such as searching multiple systems to find information, or searching for customers who left items in their shopping carts.

With eCommerce automation, it becomes easier to:

  • Schedule sales promotions
  • Go live at the right time
  • Remove discontinued products from the store
  • Automate new product features
  • Track purchases
  • Apply discounts
  • Provide rewards to loyal customers

In short, with automation you have more time to increase customer retention and build stronger customer relationships.

Offers personalized experience

Did you know eCommerce marketing automation wows your customers, resulting in more sales? It helps you build a strong rapport, stand out from competitors, and makes your customers feel like they're the only client you have.

Personalization takes it to the next level.

Marketing automation achieves this by sending behaviorally triggered emails, creating a highly personalized customer experience.

These automation tools remember important dates, use customer names, and focus on their purchases and search history to recommend new products that match their interests.

Pro-tip: When your customers receive VIP treatment, it triggers their interest in your eCommerce business, which eventually helps you grow your business.

Enhances customer experience

Your marketing efforts don't end after a lead converts into a paying customer. Instead, the toughest part of retaining the customer begins.

Setting workflows for nurturing existing customers makes it easier to provide a seamlesscustomer experience and increase their lifetime value with your eCommerce business.

Using marketing automation, you reach existing customers with:

  • Discounts, satisfaction surveys
  • Product updates
  • Helpful content to support their journey
  • Important company news
Enhancing customer experience

Source: Freepik

The insights you receive from customers help you tailor your marketing content to fit their requirements and interests.

For example, the best marketing automation software helps you design workflows where you send replenishment emails with lucrative discounts to customers when their product is about to finish.

Did you know?: According to 43% of marketers, the most significant benefit of marketing automation is improving customer experience.

Increases upselling and cross-selling

Marketing automation adds a whole lot of new dimensions to eCommerce upselling and cross-selling.

Thanks to this automation, salespeople no longer need to make cold calls to customers. Instead, based on the purchase history, marketing automation sends personalized recommendations.

Rather than sending emails, most eCommerce businesses show personalized recommendations while scrolling online based on the product a customer is searching for.

Amazon nails the upselling and cross-selling feature as for every product you search, it provides sections such as “Customers who viewed this item also viewed,” “Products related to this item,” and "Buy it with,” which list other related items.

Amazon’s upselling and cross-selling techniques

Pro-tip: A personalized product recommendation is a form of cross-selling that boosts your eCommerce store’s sales.

Ensures effective lead scoring

Another reason marketing automation is a must for every business is that it eliminates the potential challenges of manual lead nurturing. This helps create a lead-scoring model.

In a simple lead scoring model, your marketing leads receive a numeric score based on the numerous actions they take. For instance, when a lead opens an email and clicks on the CTA (call to action) present, the lead scoring model adds 10 points to their score.

The logic behind this model is that leads who click these CTAs have a higher interest in your offerings than someone who just opens your email.

Rather than constantly monitoring each lead's activity, marketing automation helps you monitor these activities without spending any time. All you have to do is use these scores as triggers for immediate action.

Did you know?: Generating traffic and leads is the biggest marketing challenge for 63% of businesses.

Reduces cart abandonment

Another reason most eCommerce businesses use marketing automation is that it helps recover lost revenue. You can send automated cart abandonment emails to people who leave products in their carts. Make sure your email domain is secured with DKIM so your emails don't go to spam.

The chances of eCommerce customers leaving their products in a cart are very high, primarily because they search other sites for the same product. You don’t have to worry as you’re not the only one.

Businesses lose a whopping $18 billion in sales and revenue due to customers changing their minds and forgetting products in their carts.

That’s where marketing automation comes into the picture. It ensures you’re doing everything to get potential buyers back on track.

eCommerce cart abandonment email

Source: Sumo

These little reminder emails do the work.

Your customers read these emails and take the necessary action.

In short, these automatic emails give your forgetful customers a nudge in your direction and encourage them to complete their purchase.

Did you know?: With the global cart abandonment rate being 81%, sending automated emails is the best thing to help you increase your lost revenue.

Facilitates reporting

Most marketing automation tools offer a robust reporting feature, which fast tracks the time it takes to generate marketing reports.

These reports are a blessing as they help marketers analyze their performance and make smarter business decisions.

What makes these tools useful is that they gather relevant data and make the best use of them to optimize their marketing operations.

As every marketing campaign offers different components and is difficult to track manually, marketing automation services make your life much easier.

Marketing automation facilitates reporting

Source: Freepik

Using the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, certain advanced marketing campaigns even provide future campaign strategy ideas based on past data.

When you get a clear idea of what you've done in the past, how you were performing, and a preview of how you will perform in the future, it becomes easier to plan.

Did you know?:88% of marketers prefer using a tool that reduces their time spent creating reports and gives more time for customer interactions and completing strategic work.

Increases lead to sale conversions rates

The ability to convert leads into paying customers is often one of the biggest concerns for marketers.

While you cannot turn all your marketing leads into customers, the more you convert, the better your revenue will be. As a business, you cannot lose those warm leads. So, reaching them with campaigns on the right channels is essential.

LinkedHelper, a comprehensive LinkedIn automation tool, is an effective tool for optimizing your outreach efforts and converting warm leads into customers. Craft personalized messages, automate follow-ups, and use auto-replies to increase the number of satisfied customers.

Using marketing automation, you optimize customers’ journeys, automate marketing workflows, and follow your leads from the minute they interact with your company.

What’s interesting: You might forget to follow up with a potential lead, but your automation software doesn’t, helping you increase conversion rates.

Make a difference in your marketing efforts with marketing automation

eCommerce marketing automation is constantly and dynamically changing, and it’s probably the right time to jump on the automation bandwagon.

Though you might come across various marketing automation software, don’t get too impressed with the features without using the automation tool.

Look for software that recognizes the value of your time, drives your business growth, and helps you focus your energy on areas that matter the most to your business.

When your marketing processes are automated, all you have to do is relax and see both your customer happiness and revenue rise.

So when are you embracing marketing automation?


Author’s bio

boost product filter and search guest post

Priya Jain has been copywriting professionally for over eight years. She has attained an engineering degree and an MBA. She teaches math, spends her time running behind her toddler, and tries new recipes when she isn't writing. You can find her on LinkedIn.

Cici Nguyen
Email Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read