3 Genius Ways To Promote Your Merchandise Using Boost AI Search & Discovery

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

As a savvy eCommerce executive, you know that not all products in your online store have the same performance. Some are the customer magnets and outperform the rest. Some are moving slowly and don't have very high margins. Therefore, to stay ahead in the digital marketplace, you should have different strategies to promote, demote, upsell, or cross-sell to gain maximum profits.

Today, we'll explore three innovative ways to take your Shopify store to new heights and boost your product visibility by harnessing the power of Boost AI Search & Discovery.

Upsell And Cross-sell Using Product Recommendations 🛍️

The significance of upselling and cross-selling is unquestionable. When thoughtfully carried out, it can boost revenue and enhance customer satisfaction to a great extent. A study by Forrester confirms that product recommendations like upsells and cross-sells account for up to 30% of eCommerce revenues.

Upselling involves suggesting higher-priced alternatives, while cross-selling plays a critical role in enriching the shopping experience thanks to product bundles and complementary items. These strategies are more than just sales techniques; they are essential tools in building a more personalized shopping journey, leading to higher customer retention and long-term business growth.

product recommendation on product page

Product recommendation on Product pages

As a result, Boost AI Search & Discovery has released our own product recommendation tool this year. With nine recommendation types (and counting), and three models (statistic-based, rule-based, and AI-based), Shopify merchants have an immersive power to play around, try, and test a large variety of upselling and cross-selling techniques.



Recommendation Type



Newest arrivals

Attract customer attention, keep content fresh, and enhance the overall brand image.



Guide customers towards popular items, simplify purchasing decisions and build trust.

Collection pages

Newest arrivals

Enhances product visibility and sales potential of new items.

Collection pages

Trending products

Showcase popular and often sought-after items to encourage impulse purchases.

Product pages

Recently viewed

Provide a personalized reminder, potentially leading to increased sales. Aids in comparison shopping, as customers can easily navigate back to and compare previously viewed products.

Product pages

Frequently bought together

Encourage larger orders by suggesting complementary items, thereby increasing the average cart size

Cart pages

Recently viewed

Provide a personalized reminder, potentially leading to increased sales. Aids in comparison shopping, as customers can easily navigate back to and compare previously viewed products.

Cart pages

Related items

Encourage additional purchases, offer customers more options, and ensure they have everything they need before checking out.

Cross-selling and upselling techniques not only increase average order value but also deepen customer engagement by presenting more options that cater to their needs. It's a game-changer in creating a personalized shopping experience that keeps customers coming back for more. With Boost's AI-driven algorithms, you can leverage this feature to tailor product suggestions based on individual browsing history, purchase patterns, and preferences.

Read on:

How AI-powered Recommendation Works

Enhance Product Visibility In The Intelligent Instant Search

Site search, without a shadow of a doubt, is an integral part of the eCommerce customer experience. Up to 30% of eCommerce visitors use the site search function, and these users are more likely to convert compared to those who don't.

The thing is, finding the right one in the vast ocean of online products can be daunting for your customers.

instant search autocomplete

That's why you need an AI-powered search like what Boost offers. A smart and lighting-fast storefront search engine not only aids customers in finding exactly what they are looking for quickly and efficiently but also significantly boosts the likelihood of purchase, directly contributing to increased revenue for e-commerce businesses.

Boost's intelligent search functionality acts as a beacon, guiding them to their desired products effortlessly. It understands and interprets customer queries with precision, ensuring a satisfying search experience every time.

More importantly, our merchants can alter the autocomplete search results to promote high-margin products.

Suggestion Dictionary is the wizard that helps fine-tune the ranking of popular suggestions in the autocomplete search. This enhances the search experience by prioritizing certain product lines or searches, like placing "cowboy hat" at the top of the list when customers type "hat".

search suggestion dictionary

With custom settings in Suggestion Dictionary, the ranking will be influenced by priority levels in the Suggestion Dictionary and source indices, including original store and analytics data. You can easily manage these settings in the app's admin panel, adding, editing, or deleting suggestion terms and setting their priority levels.

Additionally, the app supports importing and exporting the Suggestion Dictionary, which is useful for bulk edits or transferring settings between stores.

Pin Products And Boost Products With Visual Merchandising

Merchandising, in the context of eCommerce, involves strategically organizing and presenting items in the product listing pages in a way that is both appealing and logical to shoppers. Well-merchandised product lists can increase the user's product-finding success rate. It also plays a pivotal role in product discovery, helping to introduce customers to items they might not have initially considered.

Boost's Merchandising tool offers four popular merchandising rules (five for the search result pages). But in this article, we'll delve into Pin and Boost strategies as they are the most effective when it comes to promoting products.

As the name suggests, Pin products mean that products will be displayed on the top positions of the listing pages. The higher the ranking, the higher the click-through rate. That's the rule of thumb. Therefore, pinning trending and best-selling products is likely to bring more sales.

pin product using boost visual merchandising

Pin products on search result pages

Likewise, Boost products also enhance the visibility within the listing pages. The difference is, Boost rules can be applied to a group of products instead of individuals. You can create rule-based merchandising using attributes like vendors, metafields, tags, etc., to automate merchandising in your store.

pin product setting in boost ai search and discovery
boost product settings in boost ai search and discovery

How to create a Pin strategy (left-hand image) and a Boost strategy (right-hand image)

Boost Offers More Than This

Knowledge is power, especially in e-commerce. Boost provides detailed analytics and insights into customer behavior and trends. Use this data to refine your strategies, from inventory management to marketing campaigns, ensuring that your store always stays one step ahead of customer desires.

Not only that, our merchants can set the timing for merchandising rules. Boost’s automated promotional tools help you launch campaigns at the optimal moment. Whether it's a seasonal sale or a special discount, you are the one who determines the best timing, ensuring maximum engagement and conversion.

With the shift towards mobile shopping, providing a seamless mobile experience is non-negotiable. Boost ensures that your mobile interface is just as intuitive and efficient as the desktop version, offering your customers a top-notch shopping experience on any device.

By integrating Boost AI Search and Discovery into your Shopify store, you're not just enhancing search and navigation but elevating the entire shopping experience. It’s about creating a smart, customer-centric online environment where every interaction is an opportunity to impress, engage, and convert.

Get the app today and enjoy a 14-day free trial with access to all features!

Try Free Now

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read