Warehouse Shopify Theme: A Review Of The Shopify Theme For Large Stores

Doki Nguyen
Jun 14, 2024
3 min read

A reliable theme with powerful features is a must for your large eCommerce store to stand the best chance at success.

Shopify merchants have a number of choices when it comes to finding a theme that can handle tons of products. A popular choice for many e-merchants across various industries is the Warehouse theme. Let’s dive into how and why this theme could be the perfect choice for large e-commerce store owners.

The Warehouse Shopify Theme At A Glance

warehouse shopify theme review

This premium Shopify theme is developed by Maestrooo, a French design and development studio with a few impressive ones under their belts. It was explicitly designed for Shopify stores with an extensive catalog and gives merchants plenty of options for displaying promotions.

The look and feel of this Shopify theme is clean and simple. It’s very effective at displaying a range of collections without feeling cluttered. There are 3 presets available; Wood, Metal, and Fabric. They have similar layouts; however, Metal and Fabric have a few larger tiles for collections.

Warehouse is a relatively popular and reliable Shopify theme with 86% of its positive reviews. This theme comes at $320.

What Features Does The Warehouse Theme Have?

The Warehouse theme has plenty of features that large e-commerce merchants would find super useful. Let’s take a look at the main ones.

Mega menu

Large stores can’t do without a mega menu, as it works wonders in breaking down a diverse catalog.

warehouse shopify theme mega menu

In this theme, the mega menu has three layers; a main menu item, collections, and sub-collections. It’s pretty simple to create. You just need to set up a 3-level structure in the native Shopify menu interface first. Then, in the theme editor, click on the Header section and select Add mega menu. After that, name the menu item as one of the first level items you want to create a mega menu for.

The menu displays in a dropdown style, and in the Wood preset, it only appears when a menu item is clicked on. This is particularly useful as it gives shoppers a lot more control, ensuring that only the intended menu item is expanded. With a hover-over function, it’s very easy to accidentally trigger the wrong menu item and close the desired one while browsing. As a result, you’ll be able to reduce the frustration.

The mega menu allows up to two images to be added to the right side of a menu dropdown to promote collections or offers.


The Warehouse Shopify theme was made with the intent to help merchants draw attention to promotions.

shopify theme review promotion badges on product images

Aside from adding promotions to the menu, there are badges to show new items, products that are back in stock, the percentage off, and monetary savings .

Some custom promotions tiles are great for quickly setting up promotional campaigns on the homepage. They bring attention to sales, discounts, offers, or featured products.

Popups on the cart page can help alert customers of deals such as free shipping. This will boost conversions, reduce cart abandonment, and propel AOV. Exit intent popups can also encourage interaction with sign-ups, ongoing offers, and promotions before a visitor leaves.

The stock counter feature could be a valuable tool in your promotional activities. With it, you can provide a sense of urgency for low-stock products currently on sale.

Color swatches

product option swatch on warehouse theme

If you stock products with differing variations, color swatches will be hugely useful. Rather than relying on words to depict different colors, textures, and materials, small images or color blocks can be used. This provides a quick, visual representation of available variants on any page that displays products.

Trust badges

Security and trust are major concerns for digital consumers, particularly if products are high-priced or if they are first-time buyers. The Warehouse theme helps merchants show their reliability with cards for trust badges on product pages and the cart page. These are great spots for giving customers the confidence they need before making a purchase.

trust badge on shopify warehouse theme

Product Reviews and Product Recommendations

Warehouse gives merchants a helping hand with product discovery and trust with reviews and recommendations powered by Shopify.

Customers can leave reviews and rate products. The reviews can be displayed on product pages, and you can also show star ratings underneath product thumbnails. Existing feedback can be imported via a CSV file. However, if you’re looking for a solution to encourage customers to leave reviews via email, you’re better off using a product reviews app.

product reviews on warehouse theme

The in-built product recommendations algorithm can generate related products automatically. Other recommendations will have to be manually done by you or with the assistance of a third-party app.


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Cross-border commerce ready

ECommerce is becoming increasingly global, with cross-border commerce accounting for 22% of shipments. Foreign customers want to be able to shop in their native language and view their home currencies. With the Warehouse theme, you can translate your store into European languages such as German and Spanish and display multiple currencies.

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  • What Are The Benefits of The Warehouse Theme?

    Easy navigation through large catalogs

    A standout benefit of the Warehouse Shopify theme is how well-suited it is for large stores.

    Navigating through a vast catalog can take time and effort for shoppers. This theme does a great job of making it as simple and intuitive as possible. The mega menu also allows complex collections to be broken down into easily navigable chunks.

    Features like color swatches and product badges also help simplify browsing. With minimal clicks, visitors to the store can see what variants are available and instantaneously gain vital information like how much discount they can expect to get or if an item is a bestseller or new in.

    Robust features and elements

    This theme boasts a great selection of elements for the homepage, including featured collections, collections with images, featured products, logo lists, slideshows, offers, promotion tiles, and more. This gives merchants a lot of flexibility in presenting products and facilitating product discovery. Product pages are also stacked with conversion-inducing features like reviews, trust badges, and stock-level indicators.

    The fact that all these fruitful features come built-in is another win. You won’t need to fork out extra cash for many apps, which means more change in your pocket. Furthermore, all of the theme’s layouts are optimized for speed and performance, a plus point for SEO.

    There will be, of course, some features that you’ll want to upgrade and make more powerful with third-party apps. For stores that want to give their discovery and search capabilities more of a leg up to compete with top brands, you’ll be pleased to know that Boost AI Search & Discovery is fully compatible with Warehouse.

    You’ll be able to equip your Shopify store with AI-powered search capabilities like natural language processing, autocomplete, smart suggestions, and even search merchandising. Your product recommendations can also get some real firepower with AI-generated recommendations for frequently bought together, best sellers, trending products, most viewed, recently viewed, and more.

    Good customizability

    The preset layouts of the Warehouse theme are versatile. Custom settings allow merchants to tweak the display and style of the homepage, product pages, collection pages, cart pages, metafields, and more without touching code. This means merchants of all technical skill sets can craft a unique-looking storefront.

    Supportive and capable team

    The Warehouse theme was created by a competent and well-versed Shopify partner, which means you can trust this theme will deliver. The Maestrooo team is acclaimed for being super supportive, so should you run into any issues, the team will be right there to help.

    What’s Not So Great About The Warehouse Theme?

    Lack of rich visuals

    While the Warehouse theme has tons of great features for large store owners, it lacks the visual presentation.

    You won’t find huge banners or hero images to draw attention to special collections or promotions. It’s not even possible to change the image ratio for different visual elements in your store. This theme was not made for visual storytelling, so brands that rely on showcasing themselves through rich imagery won’t find this theme appealing. The feel and focus of this theme are more practical and functional rather than beautiful aesthetics.

    Expensive theme

    This Shopify theme is on the pricier side. At $320, this will likely be out of reach for some e-merchants. That being said, the wealth of features and capabilities compared to the free alternatives makes this one-time fee well worth it.

    What Type Of Shopify Stores Is Warehouse Great For?

    As the name suggests, Warehouse is an excellent choice for large stores selling gadgets, electronics, tools, and home decor - especially those featuring products from multiple brands. Some specialized clothing stores, like those selling sporting goods, will also find this theme useful.

    Let’s look at how some real brands use the Warehouse theme.

    Specialty Tools: Boats & RV Accessories

    shopify warehouse theme on real store

    Boat & RV Accessories has done a great job at using Warehouse to give a uniform and unique look and feel.

    The brand’s catalog is vast, so it uses featured products and featured collection elements to bring attention to some key items. The store has also upgraded its mega menu, opting for images to depict collections. This is super user-friendly, mainly as there’s a lot of technical jargon that not all customers will be familiar with.

    shopify warehouse theme with boost product filter | boost ai search and discovery on warehouse theme

    A flexible filtering tool is needed to sift through a massive product catalog for specialty goods. Boat & RV Accessories uses Boost AI Search & Discovery to create filter options for specialized and practical variants like diameter, length, and product type.

    Home Appliances: New Sigli

    New Sigli are making great use of the product badges the Warehouse theme comes equipped with. In an instance, you can see which items are on offer thanks to the bright and bold colors. The brand also provides its customers with lots of information, from a breakdown of each collection on the homepage tiles to links for resources on product pages.

    warehouse theme on new sigli online store

    Sporting Goods: Laux

    Laux opts for the Fabric preset layout, allowing it to include some medium-sized tile images for the collection pages. This helps customers quickly and easily identify the type of sports goods they can shop for. The Top Brands section is also a nice touch, allowing shoppers to go straight to the most trusted sports brands in the game.

    warehouse theme on laux online store

    Final Thoughts

    The Warehouse Shopify theme can greatly help store owners wanting to make their large catalogs more easily discoverable. It’s full of valuable features that will get your large Shopify store up and running quickly. Although it is pricier, the capabilities you get compared to similar free themes make it a great investment. If you’re looking for a powerful Shopify theme for your electronics, tools, gadget, or home decor store, give Warehouse a try.

    Doki Nguyen
    Content Marketing Specialist
    June 25, 2024
    6 min read