How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

Cici Nguyen
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

WordPress and Shopify are two of the most popular eCommerce platforms. They’re both powerful, flexible, and easy to use.

But some people argue that Shopify is better for building eCommerce sites, while others say that WordPress is built for blogging.

The reality is that both platforms have advantages and disadvantages, so it all depends on your specific needs and preferences.

However, if you want a simple way to migrate your WordPress site to Shopify, this article is for you.

In it, we’ll cover the basics of moving from WordPress to Shopify and show you how to do so in a few simple steps.

Why You Should Consider Moving Your WordPress Site to Shopify

You should move your WordPress site over to Shopify for several reasons. The most common ones include the following:

1. Improved eCommerce Functionality

Shopify's eCommerce functionality is much more robust than that of WordPress.

Shopify provides you with all the options and resources you need to create an online store. This includes adding products, inventory management, payment gateways, shipping options, and more.

And the best part? It's all built right into the platform.

However, you can only use plugins on WordPress to add eCommerce functionality.

2. Easier to Use

Shopify's user interface is far more user-friendly than WordPress'. Learning to add products, edit pages, and do other things takes only a few minutes. But the best part is that you don’t need to maintain any.

This makes it a good option for both beginners and advanced users.

3. Enhanced Security and Reliability

Shopify's security features are much better than WordPress's. You can set up an SSL certificate, PCI compliance, and other additional measures.

Furthermore, the platform is more reliable, so you won't have to worry about site downtime or other issues.

Shopify Pre-Migration Checklist

Before you begin migrating your WordPress site to Shopify, there are a few things you’ll want to take care of.

Here are some general tips that will make the process smoother.

1. Backup Your WordPress Site

The first and most crucial step is to back up your WordPress site.

This is an essential step that ensures you have a copy of your site in case anything goes wrong during the migration process.

Losing data during migration can be catastrophic, and it can be arduous to recreate everything from the ground up. Therefore, backing up your site is crucial.

You can make a backup of your WordPress site by using the automatic backups available from your web hosting company or with plugins such as UpdraftPlus and BackupBuddy.

2. Choose a Shopify Plan

The next step is to choose a Shopify plan that suits your needs.

Shopify offers three plans: Basic Shopify, Shopify, and Advanced Shopify. Unique plans like Shopify Plus for enterprise stores and Starter for social selling are also available.

Basic Shopify is a perfect eCommerce platform for small or starting businesses. It offers basic reports, sales channels, manual order creation, and more.

The main Shopify plan is ideal for growing businesses that require additional features such as professional reports and eCommerce automation. It also includes lower transaction fees compared to Basic Shopify.

Lastly, Advanced Shopify is the best option for businesses that require advanced features such as advanced reporting, more staff accounts, custom shipping rates, and third-party calculated shipping rates.

3. Set Up Your Shopify Account

After selecting the plan that suits your needs, you can create your Shopify account. The process is straightforward.

You will be asked to enter your email address, create a password, and select whether you’re signing up as an individual or a business.

Additionally, you will need to choose a unique name for your Shopify store. It is vital to pick a memorable name for your store because it will be used to create your store's URL.

A unique name will make it easier for your customers to recall and locate your store.

4. Add a Custom Domain Name

Adding a custom domain is a critical step in the migration process.

A custom domain guarantees that your customers can locate your store effortlessly and also aids in enhancing your site's SEO. You can purchase a domain via Shopify or use your existing domain.

If you purchase a domain through Shopify, the platform will help you search for available domains. You can also link your existing domain to your Shopify store.

5. Notify Your Users

Another significant step in the pre-migration process is to inform your users about the impending migration. This is vital because it allows your users to prepare for any potential downtime or changes to the site's functionality.

You can inform your users through different methods, such as email, social media, or a banner on your website.

Methods to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

When migrating your WordPress site to Shopify, you can use either a manual or an automated method.

The manual method will take longer and require more work from you, but it provides greater control over the process.

The automated method is faster and easier but requires a third-party plugin or service.

Let’s look at the two methods in detail.

1. Shopify Migration Service Provider

Regarding WooCommerce to Shopify migration, LitExtension stood out from the rest throughout our research and testing thanks to its seamless migration service.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

With 10+ years of experience, they have gained affection from hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide, shown by the 99% customer satisfaction rate on Trustpilot. Here’s how to start your journey with LitExtension:

Set up Source Cart and Target Cart

First, sign up for a new account on the LitExtension website. You can quickly log in via Facebook or Google to save time.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

At the LitExtension Dashboard, open the “Create Migration” tab at the top bar and configure your Source and Target Cart information. Since switching from WooCommerce to Shopify, select “WooCommerce” from the dropdown menu in the Source Cart section.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

LitExtension will require you to install the le_connector file in your root folder to perform the migration. This unique bridge for each account allows LitExtension to connect your two carts. You are finished when the green light saying “Connection was successfully installed” appears on the screen.

Moving on, we’ll have “Shopify” for the Target Cart type. Due to their database structure, you must provide the Url and API Password for a successful migration.

Once all the fields have been filled, hit “Next: Configure your Migration” to continue your process!

Select Migration Entities

The next step is to pick out the data you want to move from WooCommerce to Shopify. They have everything from products, customers to pages and coupons. If all the checkboxes fulfill your migration requirements, click the "Select all" button.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

Another great thing about this service provider lies in the fact that they don’t just do a regular data migration. More advanced settings await you in the “Additional Options” menu. From our knowledge, they are all worth considering.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

Additionally, we suggest checking out the language and order status mapping. You may see discrepancies between the order statuses shown on your Source Cart and Target Cart. Make the necessary adjustments, then!

Run The Full Migration

Now, start your migration from WooCommerce to Shopify. LitExtension also offers free demo migration to help users understand how everything comes together. You can skip it by selecting "Skip Demo Migration" and proceeding to "Next: Start Full Migration."

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

Using LitExtension's service, you may transfer your data without keeping your device active throughout the process. Relax, and the system will automatically run itself!

When the migration is finished in its entirety, you will receive a notification message from the system that reads as follows:

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

There you have it, the smooth transition from WooCommerce to Shopify. It's time to focus on your new store and get things going with Shopify!

2. Shopify Manual Migration

Exporting Products from WooCommerce

The first step in manual migration is to export your products from WooCommerce.

You can do this by going to your WordPress dashboard, clicking on the 'Products' tab, and selecting 'Export.'

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

Export Products to a CSV File

When exporting products to a CSV file from WooCommerce, you can select which columns and categories should be included in the export.

Here are the available options:

  • Product Columns: You can choose which columns to include in the CSV file. Some columns have ID, SKU, name, price, stock, categories, and custom fields.
  • Product types: You can export simple products, grouped products, external/affiliate products, variable products, and product variations. Please leave it blank to choose all product types.
  • Product category: You can select which product category you want to export. You can also select multiple categories to export products under different categories. For example, if you have a category called 'Clothing,' you can export products listed under that category only by selecting it.
  • Export custom meta: You can export all custom meta for each product. Custom meta refers to any additional data you have added to your products, such as custom fields or attributes.
How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

Once selected, click the Generate CSV button to export your product CSV file.

Import your store's data manually using CSV files.

Once you have exported your products to a CSV file, you can import them into your Shopify store.

To do this, log in to your Shopify account, go to the 'Products' tab, and click the 'Import' button.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

Preview your first product.

Shopify automatically previews your products after importing the CSV file.

You can see which products have been imported and which ones have not.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

If any of your products have missing data, such as the price or product name, you must update this manually.

That's it! You have successfully imported your store's products into Shopify.

Now, let's see the automatic migration process in detail.

2. Shopify Automatic Migration Process

Automatic migration is a one-click process that allows you to migrate your existing store data into Shopify without uploading any files.

The following steps will walk you through the automatic migration process:

Install the Migration Pro App from the Shopify Store

The first step is to install the Migration Pro App from the Shopify App Store. With this app, you can migrate your WordPress site to Shopify in minutes.

To install the app, go to Apps and search for Migration Pro. Select the Migration Pro App from this list and click Install.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

Connect Your WooCommerce Store

Once you have installed the Migration Pro App, you must connect your WooCommerce store to migrate.

First, select the shopping cart software you want to migrate data from.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

When migrating your WordPress site to Shopify, choose the WooCommerce option and enter your store URL.

Next, connect your WordPress site with the MigrationPro Connection Bridge file.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

This file is a 'connector' that allows MigrationPro to link your Source Cart to a Target Cart and ensure data transfer.

Choose What to Import

After connecting your WooCommerce store to Shopify, select the entities you want to import.

The Migration Pro App allows you to select various entities such as categories, blog posts, products, and CMS pages.

Once selected, you will have two options: Demo migration and Full migration.

You can test the data migration process with Demo Migration to see how it works. You can transfer ten elements from each data type from your original shopping cart to Shopify.

Once satisfied with the results, you can choose Full Migration to complete the process.

The Full migration, however, does require a fee. The price depends on the number of entities migrated.

Once the payment is made, the data will be transferred from your original shopping cart to Shopify.

Shopify Post-Migration Tasks

A few post-migration tasks must be done if you’ve just migrated your WordPress website to Shopify.

These will ensure that your website is correctly set up and ready for you to start selling online.

1. Customizing Your Shopify Theme

After migrating your site to Shopify, you must customize your theme. Shopify has a variety of free and paid themes that you can use.

Go to Shopify's Themes section under the Online Store to install a new theme.

How to Migrate Your WordPress Site to Shopify

You can search for a specific theme or browse the various categories.

2. Installing Apps and Plugins

Another critical aspect of customizing your Shopify store is installing the right apps and plugins.

Shopify has an extensive library of apps and plugins that can help you improve the functionality of your store.

For example, you can use upselling apps to increase your average order value, social media integration apps to expand your reach, and email marketing automation apps to drive repeat business.

Boost AI Search & Discovery is a great app to help customers find exactly what they want. It uses machine learning algorithms to suggest relevant products that customers may wish to buy and improve search relevance.

  • Product Recommendation: This feature helps you find new products based on customer purchases. It also suggests related products that may be of interest to them.
  • Shopify Analytics: Their built-in analytics helps you understand your customers’ behavior and how they interact with your brand.
  • Visual Merchandising: This tool helps you display your products in a way that will make them more appealing to customers.
  • Product Filter: This Shopify app helps you filter your products based on multiple criteria, including price, color, size, and more.

3. Setting Up Payment Gateways

To begin accepting payments on your Shopify store, you must first configure payment gateways.

Shopify supports various payment gateway options, such as Shopify Payments, PayPal, Stripe, Amazon Pay, and more.

If you’re just getting started, we recommend using Shopify Payments. This is the most flexible and reliable payment gateway on the Shopify platform.

We also recommend using an additional payment gateway, such as PayPal or Stripe, for some of your other sales channels (for example, if you’re selling on Amazon).

4. Updating Your Site's SEO

Finally, after migrating your site to Shopify, updating your site's SEO is critical.

This involves optimizing your page titles, meta descriptions, and other on-page elements and building quality backlinks to your site to improve its domain authority.


Q: Can I still use WordPress with Shopify?

A: You can use WordPress and Shopify together by integrating them with a third-party plugin like WP Shopify. This integration allows you to display and sell Shopify products on your WordPress site while still managing your e-commerce operations through the Shopify platform.

Q: What happens to my SEO during migration?

A: Migrating to a new platform can impact your SEO, but it can also provide an opportunity to improve your SEO. To ensure a smooth transition and minimize negative SEO impacts, it's essential to carefully plan your migration, redirect old URLs to new ones, and update any relevant metadata.

Q: How long does the migration process take?

A: The length of the migration process can vary depending on the complexity of your WordPress site and the amount of content you're migrating. It could take a few hours to several days to complete the migration process.

Q: What if I encounter issues during migration?

A: If you encounter any issues during the migration process, Shopify provides support resources to help you resolve them. You can also consult a Shopify expert or contact Shopify's customer support team for assistance.

Q: Can I continue to use my WordPress site after migrating to Shopify?

A: Yes, you can continue to use your WordPress site for non-e-commerce purposes, such as a company blog or informational website. However, it's essential to note that your online store will now be hosted on Shopify, and you'll have to manage your e-commerce operations through the Shopify platform.

About The Author

Jyoti Ray

Jyoti Ray founded, specializing in social media, marketing, and SEO. He writes and has been featured on JeffBullas, SurveyAnyplace, SearchEngineWatch, and more. You can connect with him on LinkedIn.

Cici Nguyen
Email Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read