How Overdose & Boost Helped Healthy Options With A Theme Rebuild

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Healthy Options is a large and long-established retailer specializing in all-natural and organic products in the Philippines. During its digital transformation, it faced the challenge of reimagining the offline shopping experience in cyberspace. Overdose has given Healthy Options a hand, and Boost AI Search & Discovery (previously Boost Product Filter & Search) is proud to be one ingredient in this successful recipe.

Read the full story on Overdose.

Boost and Overdose have built a partnership for a long time. We cooperate to help Shopify merchants optimize online product discovery. Boost provides advanced eCommerce search functions with AI powers and merchandising capabilities, while Overdose takes care of strategic planning and CRO. Our collaboration has brought success to many Shopify stores, such as Bata Singapore and Salomon. Healthy Options is another success story of the cooperation between Overdose and Boost.

Recipes For Healthy Options' Success

health options overdose success story

Challenges that Healthy Options Encountered

As a well-known retailer with 33 physical stores in the Philippines, Healthy Options wanted a consistent shopping experience from offline to online for their customers. This is challenging since the offline and online space is not created the same. Still, it is by no means impossible.

With the assistance of Boost AI Search & Discovery and other Shopify tools, Overdose had succeeded in this mission.

health option overdose success stories challenges

Some other challenges that Overdose helped Health Options erase.

How Boost Fits In With Overdose's Solutions

To build a seamless shopping experience on the Healthy Options' online store, Overdose revamped the menu items at Overdose to make it easier for our customers to navigate and find their desired products, just as they would in the physical stores. The key is to showcase a vast array of categories available and educate customers on an online product discovery journey.

All category pages are enhanced with a new comprehensive filter backed by Boost AI Search & Discovery. This allows shoppers to personalize their browsing experience by selecting from various filter options like lifestyle, age group, and concerns. By using these dynamic filters, online customers can quickly and easily find products that meet their specific needs. These new features are aimed at providing a more engaging experience for users, equipping them with the necessary tools to make informed purchase decisions.

health options collection page using boost ai search and discovery
health options collection page product filter using boost ai search and discovery

Each category or collection page can have a dedicated filter tree with matching criteria.

An outstanding feature of Boost's product filters is that we let users create filter options from almost anything from product options to tags and metafields.


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Another unique selling point of Healthy Options is a content-rich blog. With a view to becoming a comprehensive and informative platform for organic living and healthy eating, the team has created a myriad of blog articles covering a wide range of topics, from how to shop for organic produce to the benefits of a plant-based diet. Boost AI Search & Discovery has made it possible for online shoppers to look for this content thanks to our site-wide search function.

site wide ecommerce search backed by boost ai search and discovery on health options

Besides popular search term suggestions and product suggestions, the predictive search dropdown powered by Boost can recommend relevant pages and blog articles.

What Else Can Boost Help You?

With our newly released Boost 3.0: Boost AI Search & Discovery, Shopify merchants have a lot more tools on their hands to optimize product discovery. Our renowned search functions are upgraded with AI powers. Search speed and search relevance, therefore, are taken to the next level. Boost 3.0 also let users create up to 8 types of product recommendation on up to 4 pages. The starting price is only $19 with a 14-day free trial and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Now it's your turn to decide.

boost ai search and discovery banner
Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read