eCommerce Challenges in 2024 To Look Out For Better Growth

Doki Nguyen
Jun 14, 2024
3 min read

The eCommerce world is witnessing unprecedented growth as consumers increasingly opt for the convenience of online shopping.

As we step into the promising year of 2024, the eCommerce market shows no signs of slowing down. The eCommerce market is poised for even greater innovation and expansion, with retail eCommerce sales projected to reach USD 8.1 trillion by 2026.

With countless online merchants embracing growth, your business will face a host of eCommerce challenges. From soaring consumer expectations and securing profit margins to staying on top of social trends and adopting new technologies, online merchants face a multitude of hurdles.

For example, startling statistics highlight one of the most daunting challenges: the average shopping cart abandonment rate reaching a staggering 69.57%, resulting in missed revenue opportunities.

Let’s join us to explore the intricacies of the eCommerce landscape in 2024 and uncover the pressing challenges so you can determine the way to overcome these challenges as well as prepare your business better.

2024 eCommerce Landscape: Key Challenges to Conquer

Evolving customer expectations

customer expectations

In today's digital age, consumers are becoming increasingly knowledgeable and discerning. They have access to advanced technologies and are exposed to a multitude of brands and services. As a result, their expectations for products and services have skyrocketed, and they constantly seek out hyper-personalized experiences.

In a 2023 Statista report, over three-quarters of global customers expressed a desire for improved personalization when sharing personal data with businesses.

Additionally, 73% anticipated a more personalized experience with advancing technology, and 64% expected personalized interactions when increasing their spending.

These findings emphasize the growing importance of delivering customized experiences to meet customer expectations in today's evolving business landscape.

👉 Adapting to these evolving consumer expectations presents a range of challenges for eCommerce businesses.

Meeting customer demands requires providing a diverse array of payment options, dedicated customer support, personalized shopping experience, ensuring prompt and transparent order delivery, and offering flexible delivery choices.

Fiercer competition

Online merchants in 2024 continue to face intense competition in today's global market, where consumers have countless options at their fingertips.

Did you know?

56% of millennials expect same-day delivery, and 64% of them are more likely to make a purchase when a same-day delivery option is offered (Business Insider).

Beyond traditional factors like quality and price, fast and affordable delivery has become a crucial aspect, with 95% of consumers desiring free one-day delivery.

To gain a competitive edge, online retailers must orchestrate their last-mile delivery systems with speed, precision, and flexibility, often requiring strategic partnerships with tech-enabled solutions.

As customer expectations rise, eCommerce businesses are evolving to meet the demand, but the overwhelming number of choices can leave consumers fatigued.

👉 To stand out, your business must employ personalized search options and innovative sales methods to capture the attention and loyalty of online shoppers.


The highly competitive eCommerce landscape also drives up marketing expenses as businesses strive to differentiate themselves. Traditional advertising alone is no longer sufficient, and staying ahead requires adapting to the ever-changing digital marketing landscape.

👉 Understanding social media algorithms, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertising is essential to develop effective marketing strategies.

You must continually evolve your approaches to navigate the complexities of the digital marketing landscape and maintain a competitive edge in attracting customers.

AI and modern technology adoption (plus the security risk)

Adapting to market developments and technological advancements is a critical challenge for eCommerce merchants in 2024.

Failing to keep pace with these changes can result in falling behind competitors, losing customers, and hindering growth prospects. The future of the digital world lies in the analysis of customer data through artificial intelligence (AI).

By leveraging AI-generated insights, you can develop a deeper understanding of their customers and offer personalized product suggestions tailored to individual visitors. AI-powered personalization is expected to advance significantly by 2024.

AI has the potential to enhance the customer experience and simplify processes for both retailers and consumers.

For example, automated styling tools that allow customers to virtually try on clothing or visualize furniture in their homes before purchasing can boost satisfaction, reduce returns, and create a more immersive shopping experience.

Lastly, data security remains a major concern and one of the key eCommerce challenges this year. Safeguarding sensitive consumer information, such as credit card numbers, is essential.

Failure to provide robust cybersecurity measures can have serious repercussions, including disruptions to daily operations and damage to a retailer's reputation. Addressing these security challenges is crucial to maintaining trust and protecting both customers and businesses in the eCommerce landscape.

Looking closer: eCommerce challenges in converting more sales in 2024

It takes hard work to convert visitors into customers

As your customers browse through online stores, adding items to their carts or wish lists, the ultimate goal is to turn those intentions into completed purchases. But the journey from browsing to buying is no easy feat. It requires a meticulous approach, paying attention to every step of the customer's path.

Creating a seamless and enjoyable consumer experience is crucial for the success of any eCommerce website. Your website's segmentation, navigation, and capacity to personalize products based on customer preferences are vital aspects.

A major challenge that numerous eCommerce stores grapple with is ensuring site search relevance. As the number of products increases and product details become more intricate, it becomes increasingly difficult to optimize the search function effectively.

site search relevance

If optimizing site search relevance is not executed correctly, it can hinder shoppers from making quick and confident purchasing decisions, ultimately delaying their ability to spend their money on your products.

Another major challenge in converting on-site visitors is the lack of personalization.

Personalization is the secret sauce to capturing customers' hearts. However, achieving true personalization can be a daunting task, especially in the vast realm of online interactions.

Understanding customers deeply is the key, but it's challenging when most interactions happen through digital touchpoints. It's not just about investing in a surface-level approach but rather adopting a comprehensive strategy that delivers a robust customer experience.

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It gets harder and more expensive to keep customers

Understanding the significance of customer loyalty is essential if your business wants to thrive in 2024. There are two compelling facts shed light on the importance of nurturing existing customers:

Firstly, acquiring new customers can be a costly endeavor. In fact, studies have shown that the cost of acquiring a new customer can be up to five times higher than retaining an existing one. This highlights the value of customer retention and the potential savings that can be achieved by focusing on building strong, long-term relationships with your current customer base.

By investing in customer loyalty programs, personalized experiences, and exceptional customer service, businesses can foster loyalty and reduce the need for expensive customer acquisition efforts.

Secondly, the success rate of selling to existing customers is significantly higherthan selling to new customers. Statistics suggest that the probability of selling to a current customer falls within the range of 60-70%, whereas the success rate of selling to a new customer is much lower, ranging from 5-20%.

This stark contrast underscores the importance of cultivating customer loyalty and leveraging the trust and familiarity established with existing customers.

By consistently delivering value, addressing their needs, and providing exceptional post-purchase support, businesses can increase the likelihood of repeat purchases and drive customer lifetime value.

What does this mean for online merchants?

To cultivate customer loyalty, it's essential to shift your focus beyond offering great products and prioritize delivering a unique experience to your shoppers.

This experience should encompass every touchpoint, starting from the moment they land on your website to the excitement they feel when opening your product package, ultimately enticing them to return for more.

🔥 Pro tip: Dig deeper into “surprising and delighting” your shoppers, instead of just sending them a thank you card with their name on it.

Wrapping up

In the dynamic world of eCommerce, challenges abound. However, by prioritizing a seamless customer experience, converting visitors into loyal customers, and optimizing retention strategies, businesses can rise above these hurdles and achieve remarkable success.

Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation, and watch your eCommerce venture flourish in the 2024 digital landscape.

Doki Nguyen
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read