Boost In 2022: A Year Of Resilience For The Next Year Of Transformation

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

We are taking some first steps in the new year of 2023. As usual, let's sit back and review all that we’ve accomplished. TOGETHER.

Our humble yet effective updates in 2022

Boost team has spent most of our time in 2022 refining our main weapons which are Product Filters and Site Search solutions for Shopify merchants. New filter options were released and optimized so your shoppers can shortlist the collections with ease. Boost also introduced some workarounds to combat the “No results" dead end; thereby, customers will have a smooth shopping experience on your site.

Variant Display, which allows merchants to show product variants as separate items, and Export Analytics had been requested many times. And we finally made it happen early this year.

Check out all the product updates in Q1, Q2, and Q3.

boost product filter and search for shopify product updates in 2022

We stayed ACTIVE both online and offline

Since we’re getting accustomed to the New Normal after the pandemic, Boost participated in more offline events. This year, Boost co-hosted Shopify Community September 2022 Meetup In Hanoi, Vietnam with PageFly and Secomapp. During the two days of the events, we shared a lot of interesting activities, inspiring lessons, and even more partnership opportunities to prepare for the 2022 BFCM season.

On our blog, nearly 100 new articles were published to give the audience the latest insights and growth hacks in the E-commerce world. Our efforts in researching and compiling useful content were warmly welcomed by the readers. The average time on page of the Boost blog has reached more than 03 minutes in 2022.

Read some of our best articles again:

On social channels, our communities are growing fast with almost 8,000 fans.

Rewatch some of the most popular videos on our Youtube channel.

You are a BIG BIG PART of our growth!

Besides the achievements on social channels, what made Boost and Boosters even prouder is the growth of YOU - our dearest customers.

Boost is blissful to assist you in expanding your online business. We also thank you for sending a lot of ideas so we can make our product better match your need.

customer growth of boost product filter and search for shopify store

Next year will be much much BOLDER

next year resolution boost product filter and search for shopify merchants

Yes, Boost is embracing AI in our products very soon. To know how we do it, become one of our customers (if you haven't) and stay tuned for the update.

Try Free Now

During this transitioning time of the year, we hope that all of our customers and partners will have an awesome new year. Again, thank you for supporting and accompanying Boost along the way.

Let’s have a wonderful adventure together next year!

Cheers to 2023 🍾🥂🥂🥂

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 29, 2024
7 min read