Case Study: How Mobexpert Gets 7-Digit Online Sales With Product Filter & Search App

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Launched on the Shopify App Store in 2017, Product Filter & Search by Boost Commerce has been powering the product filters of the giant retailer, Mobexpert, since 2018. Recently, we had a chance to talk with Miruna Mitu - the Head of Online Marketing & Communication of the company - and got some useful insights in terms of app usage.

Currently, the product filters backed by our app are making €6,400,000 in sales for Mobexpert.

Miruna and the Mobexpert team were happy to share their secrets about using Boost Product Filter & Search so other online business owners can know how to utilize a third-party app for filtering and making great sales. It's a great honor for us to feature Mobexpert with their best practices in this case study.

An Overview Of Mobexpert:

  • Market: Furniture (Exterior and Interior), Decorations
  • Online-store size: +30,000 products
  • Challenge: Large product quantity for integration or personalization (complex product variants)
  • Goal: Cost-effective product filter tool to display +30,000 products with the best filtering experience for customers

About Mobexpert

Mobexpert is a leading furniture retailer founded in 1993 in Romania. It now has 26 physical locations around Romania with 1 online store. The company size is reaching 2,200 employees, serving a global network of 400 suppliers. The success of the business roots in a customer-first approach with personalization in different touch points.

“We are a customer-centric organization, focusing on our customer as a human being with needs, aspirations, and different tastes. That is why our motto is: We are all different. Thankfully.” - Miruna shared

Mobexpert keeps its entrepreneurial spirit and its focus on the customer in every business strategy such as importing and production, logistics, and retail. This is present in each decision, from the smart usage of resources to the speed of renewing collections.

That's why the company has been achieving fruitful accomplishments. The turnover in 2020 was €220 million and the monthly traffic was more than 100,000 visitors.

How to choose the right Product Filter and Search tool?

Right from the beginning, the company was certain that “the number of products that we sell online is huge” and right now it has “somewhere around 30,000 products with different variants (e.g. colors, personalization)”.

With such a huge inventory, it would be challenging for online shoppers to quickly find their desired items without appropriate filtering and sorting options.

→ The answer to providing their online shoppers with the ultimate on-site product discovery is to invest in a robust product filter tool.

So Mobexpert team did their research and chose Product Filter and Search by Boost as their solution.

Checking all customers’ reviews

As a Shopify Plus brand, Mobexpert is “very careful” when it comes to choosing a third-party app. The overall rating of the app and the customers' reviews are of the utmost importance.

For us, it is very important to see how other merchants interact with the app and how their experience was.” - Miruna revealed

A-team Customer Support

Top-notch customer support is also necessary as megastores like Mobexpert usually “need help with integration or personalization”.

When asked about the reasons why Mobexpert chose Product Filter & Search, Miruna stated 2 key points:

  • the number of shops the Boost team has worked with has increased to more than 11,000 to date
  • the experience we already had as we were among the very first apps for product filters on Shopify App Store

Her team is also impressed with our customer support team which can offer “quick responses and solutions”.

Reasonable pricing

In addition, Miruna mentioned that “the budget is another important criterion. If there is a free trial, we are more than happy to use the app for a limited amount of time, to test it and see if it is suitable for us or not.”

How Mobexpert nailed a smooth filter option for +30,000 products?

1. Utilize the limitless options of filter trees

With a wide variety of categories, it's important to have different filter trees that match different collections.

custom filters for each collection on mobexpert

Online stores with a myriad of categories need various filters for various collections as each collection may have different product attributes. The Couches collection of Mobexpert features Filter by Number of seats and Filter by Material which don't show up in the collection of Lighting Objects.

With our app, it’s easy to create an unlimited number of filters and assign each one to a specific Shopify collection. There is a button to duplicate the default filter tree so you can create new ones, make necessary changes, and activate them on your storefront within a few minutes.

2. Personalization: Let shoppers create multi-selection filters to find products they desire

Another highlight of Boost's filters, according to the Mobexpert team, is “the multi-selection option”, which allows the site visitors to choose only one or multiple values at a time.

The online store of Mobexpert also uses some other tools like Custom range sliders to optimize the display of the filters and Sort by options to offer shoppers a diversity of sorting orders. Both can enhance the UI/UX of the website.

customer range slider color swatch filter on mobexpert

The Custom range slider feature allows Mobexpert to turn numeric values, which are not only price but also length, width, and height, into range sliders.

mobexpert using sort by options of boost product filter search

Our Sort by options feature lets Mobexpert add various alternatives to sort their collection pages.

3. Always study customer’s on-site searches to optimize conversion rate

The Analytics feature is found to be very useful as it reveals a lot about customer behavior. In the Collection Analytics report, Boost's users can find:

  • Total filter clicks (for both all and specific collections): showing the interest of customers for a group of products during a period.
  • ​​Top filter option value (for specific collections): indicating how exactly your customers narrow down the product list when browsing collections.
  • Top filter option value combination (for specific collections): implying which combinations of product characteristics are most looked for.
  • Total sales generated by app: seeing how much you earn from customers' engagement with filters.

This information is of great value for data-driven strategies such as which collections to feature on the Homepage or which filters to prioritize in the filter tree. Moreover, you can clearly see if the app is contributing to your online sales.

Be like Mobexpert: Get promising results with Product Filter & Search by Boost

Since the beginning of 2021, Product Filter & Search by Boost Commerce has been generating a generous amount of sales for Mobexpert thanks to the optimized product filters in each collection.

mobexpert sales generated by boost product filter search

With a view to helping online businesses leverage growth with technology, we feel very proud that Mobexpert is achieving visible results in their revenue.

We hope that this case study can inspire you with optimizing your filters and getting sales for your own store.

Try Free Now

Also, we want to send a sincere thank you to Miruna and the Mobexpert team for their sharing. We'll keep doing our best in building more useful features for not only the product filters but also the site search algorithm.

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
7 min read