6 Facebook Ads Tips To Boost Sales for Shopify Stores

Cici Nguyen
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

To really get the most out of your advertising efforts, check out these tips that are sure to boost sales on your Shopify Facebook Ad campaigns.

Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites in the world. The data that Facebook can acquire from its users makes it an incredibly valuable tool when it comes to advertising. The social network company knows this and has developed versatile advertising capabilities. However, with such flexibility, advertising options, and an extraordinarily large audience at your fingertips, it can be a little tricky to figure out what will work best.

First, let’s take a look at why advertising on Facebook is a must if you aren’t already.

Why Advertise On Facebook?

Facebook is a gold mine for businesses that long for eyes on their brand and products. The social media site boasts two billion active monthly users, with people spending on average 58 minutes a day on it. This high usage means that advertising on the platform could be a great tool in driving traffic to your Shopify store and increasing brand awareness.

Additionally, the nature of Facebook has allowed the company to have access to a wealth of valuable in-depth consumer data such as interests, location, birthday, and gender. This information is readily available to be used for advertising. It makes it a great tool in targeting specific consumers with potential interest in your products but you may not have had access to them via your normal marketing channels.

Speaking of data, not only can you access valuable customer data for your ad targeting, but you can also peer at ad insights to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns. You’re able to measure the success of your ads with information on impressions, reach, frequency, and engagement metrics such as likes, shares, CTR, and comments.

There are also a variety of ad formats for you to choose from. The ad types available on Facebook are:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Carousel ads
  • Instant Experience: a full-screen experience that opens after someone taps your ad on a mobile device
  • Collection: an ad type that includes multiple products that open as an Instant Experience when interacted with

This variety provides great flexibility for your marketing efforts. There is sure to be an ad experience that works best for your intended audience.

Facebook ads are also super affordable. This is because you are in complete control over how much you spend on advertising via the platform. You set the budget to suit your finances and Facebook will stop showing your ads once you hit that allocated spending amount. The more you spend, the larger the audience you will be able to reach.

All of these benefits do really work in favor of brands. In fact, 41% of marketers stated that Facebook gave them the best return on ad spend.

We’re sure you are now sold on Facebook ads, so let’s get into the best ways to leverage Facebook ads so that they boost sales for your Shopify store.

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6 Facebook Ad Tips To Help Boost Sales

Tip #1: Optimize your remarketing campaign

A great feature of Facebook ads is that it allows you to reach users who have visited your site, used your mobile app, engaged with your social media content, or given their email address to you. Retargeting these consumers can help drive retention in your store if you do it right.

Did you know that visitors who see remarketing ads are 70% more likely to make a purchase on a website? Keep on reading to find out how to best convince these users to convert to your store.

It’s a good idea to focus on the timing of your remarketing efforts. To ensure past visitors or engagers with your brand still have your business fresh in their minds, Facebook recommends remarketing within 15 to 30 days, particularly if your sales cycle is short. If consumers have already forgotten about your brand or the products they once got interested in, they are less likely to engage with your ads.

You should also make sure to exclude customers that have bought the advertised items. Having a complementary reach campaign to expand the audience is another helpful remarketing tactic.

Another helpful tool to optimize your remarketing campaign on Facebook is to review your ads library regularly. By keeping an eye on your past ads, you can analyze what worked well and what didn't, and adjust your future campaigns accordingly. This can help you refine your targeting, messaging, and overall approach to remarketing, leading to better results and increased ROI.

A great way to get the most out of your remarketing efforts is to use Dynamic Product Ads.

Dynamic Product Ads

These personalized ads change in real-time to match the update of a specific product or service on your Shopify store. To enable this, you’ll need to create a product feed for Facebook to gather all the necessary information to create dynamic product ads. This can be done with the help of an app like Flexify, which will ensure that your product feed is always up-to-date.

With dynamic product ads, you’ll be able to fire off ads for shoppers who:

  • Viewed content
  • Purchased products
  • Add items to their online shopping cart

To ensure that the audiences of your retargeting campaign will see relevant product content, create sets of products to be displayed in each user scenario. For viewed content users, create a product set that includes the viewed item plus similar items from that collection. For those that have purchased something, you may want to create a set that will show them new arrivals. For customers who have added to their cart but have not purchased yet, lure them back by presenting these items with an offer. You’ll also want to adapt the messaging accordingly for each scenario.

dynamic facebook ad | shopify facebook ads

Wren + Glory presents a carousel of super relevant products to customers who viewed a hand-painted denim jacket. (Source: Social Media Examiner)

As these ads are dynamic, in other words, they change. Therefore, you can avoid creating ad fatigue as your customers will see different product content each time.

Tip #2: Leverage Facebook’s powerful targeting

A great feature of Facebook ads is that it gives you access to tons of data to help your marketing efforts reach the right types of consumers.

As user data is so vast and comprehensive, it would be wise to go beyond creating audiences based on just broad demographics, interests, or behaviors. To hyper-personalize your Facebook ad campaigns and get relevant fresh eyes on your products, define what kinds of hobbies or interests your target consumers are likely to have. What type of job could they have? What income bracket would they be in?

For example, if you are creating an ad for a line of high-end green skincare products, your ideal customer will likely have interests in health and wellbeing, and animal welfare in addition to skincare. As they are on the pricier side, you may want their income to be at least $50,000 a year. Essentially, you need to build a complete customer profile to ensure your ads are reaching the audience you want.

Life events are also a useful method of targeting consumers on Facebook. These are best for seasonal items or expensive products that are likely to be bought on special occasions. For instance, you could target people with an upcoming wedding anniversary and create an ad for jewelry with an anniversary-themed copy. You can even target close friends of Facebook users with specific life events for gift-themed Facebook ads.

successful ad using lookalike audience | shopify facebook ads

Ava & May created lookalike audiences based on past purchasers and high-value customers. They also targeted people with interests like home decor and aromatherapy. They were able to attract new customers at a low cost, experiencing a 3.6x increase in ROAS and 5.8x more online purchases. (Source: Facebook)

In addition to remarketing to your existing data pool, did you know that you can also expand your reach by using lookalike audiences? Facebook can analyze your existing data set and find users with similar characteristics and interests. A good tactic for this type of targeting strategy is to create lookalike audiences based on your high-value customers. These could be your most loyal customers or customers who spend a lot of money in your store. This approach could connect you to a new batch of shoppers that are likely to believe more in your products and thus spend more.

Finally, Facebook provides metrics which assess how relevant your ads are to the audience they were presented to. Be sure to check this if you feel that your ads are underperforming as Facebook will give you recommendations on how to improve them.

Tip #3: A/B Test

To better know your audiences and what advertising style works for them, be sure to use A/B testing. With A/B testing on Facebook, you can try out different creative changes, copy, call to action, and even audiences.

When you conduct an A/B test in Ad Manager, the tool will duplicate a selected ad and allow you to create tested variants. It is recommended that you allow 3 to 14 days to determine the winner of the A/B test. You should also make sure that the audiences of your A/B test are not already being targeted in another campaign.

To determine the winner of an A/B test, you should take a look at the following metrics:

  • Cost per result: to assess how successful you were at reaching your goal from a monetary standpoint
  • Clicks: to show how many users clicked on the link, hence, helping to measure the relevance of the ad
  • Click-through rate (CTR): the ratio of clicks to the total number of people who viewed the ad. Another good indicator of ad engagement.
  • Ad impressions: this is a valuable metric as it can let you know if the ad is engaging if many people view it
  • Cost per impression: this is used to measure an ad’s effectiveness as it defines the cost incurred per one thousand impressions.
  • Ad frequency: this refers to how many times users see the ad. This number should be low. If it is not, this may be an indicator that your audience was too small.
  • Cost per conversion: for the ad to be successful, this cost should not go over the value of the conversion.

With this aggregated knowledge, you’ll be able to remove the guesswork out of creating Facebook ads and get more out of your advertising spend.

Tip #4: Use videos

Video content is a surefire way to up engagement levels. In fact, almost a third of Facebook’s mobile shoppers prefer to discover products through videos.

Consider using videos as a storytelling tool, to communicate to audiences your brand’s ethos and values. You could also use video to demonstrate product usage. This can be in the form of a how-to video or guide. If you’re able to feature content generated by real-life users of your products, even better as user-generated content proves to be a more trusted form of advertising which resonates more with consumers.

When creating a Facebook video ad there are a few best practices to keep in mind.

  • Make sure they are short: Facebook recommends keeping your videos to no longer than 15 seconds. With the average adult attention span being just 8 seconds, keeping videos on the shorter side gives you more of a chance at conveying your message successfully.
  • Capture people’s attention: the most compelling part of your video should happen within the first few seconds of the video.
  • Prioritize the product or message at the beginning: Again, with dwindling attention spans, it’s a must to showcase the product or message of the video within the first 8 seconds.
  • Design for muted viewing: 85% of videos on Facebook are watched with the sound off so you have two choices here. Go for bright, bold graphics that do not need sound to convey the message, or use captions.
  • Upload directly to Facebook: this will enable the video to be auto-played as people are scrolling. If you just include a link to an ad uploaded via YouTube, for example, users will have to intentionally click play.
sephora ad in video form | shopify facebook ads

The beauty brand, Sephora, achieved great success with this eye-catching video. In a matter of seconds, they were able to showcase a variety of products and offers using fun visuals. Coupling this video with Facebook’s ad targeting capabilities they were able to achieve a 41% higher CTR. (Source: Sprout Social)

Tip #5: Keep frequency low and focus on relevance

Frequency and relevance are two metrics that require your attention when creating Facebook ads. Frequency refers to the average number of times your ad is being viewed by a Facebook user. Relevance takes into account engagements such as likes, shares, comments, views, and clicks. It determines how pertinent your ad is to your selected audience.

You should aim to keep your frequency score low as you do not want to fatigue users with your ad. Three is an ideal frequency score. To keep your ad frequency low, make sure the audience you are targeting is substantial enough. The ad should be displayed to different people at a solid rate. This means extremely niche audiences can hamper your frequency score. If you find yourself creating a very small audience, try to incrementally expand them and keep an eye on how your frequency score changes as you do so.

On the other hand, your relevancy score should be as high as possible. As this metric is based on engagement, to win in this realm you’ll need to develop compelling ad content. Take a look at what type of ads achieves a high relevance score and assess its components so you can replicate it in your next campaign.

Tip #6: Be mobile-first

When it comes to Facebook, mobile is the leading way that people access the platform. In July 2021, over 98% of active Facebook user accounts worldwide used a mobile device to access the social network. Additionally, mobile-first creative showed a higher performance of 46%. Hence, the creation of your Facebook ads had better be made with mobile in mind.

For ads including static images, be sure to crop assets for a clear focal point and highlight the key elements in the center of the frame. For video content, in addition to the best practices for video ads, you should also use a vertical or square video. This is a mobile-friendly option that ensures you fill up the most screen area. The links featured on your mobile ad should direct users to a mobile-optimized site.

Facebook has very handy video creation tools with everything you need for mobile-first video ads. Using this, you can access templates for specific ad goals, optimize the framing of your video ads, and create videos using existing assets directly from your Facebook page.

ad with interaction is more interesting | shopify facebook ads

This interactive ad by Babbel invites Facebook users to test out their Spanish. (Source: Shuttlerock)

Adding an interactive element to your Facebook video ad is also a great way to grab the attention of mobile browsers. This could be by including a poll, augmented reality, or having playable ads.

Final Thoughts

Facebook Ads is a great addition to the marketing efforts to drive traffic and boost sales for your Shopify store. The tools and features available can not only help you get started creating effective ads, but also provide merchants with valuable insights for successful ad campaigns.

Creating ads for Facebook is simple but creating a profitable Facebook ad may seem a little overwhelming. With these tips, you’ll be able to conquer the platform like a pro.

Cici Nguyen
Email Marketing Specialist
June 25, 2024
6 min read