Sneak Peek: What To Expect In The Epic Release Of Boost AI Search & Discovery

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

At Boost, we always envision becoming a complete platform for online product discovery and conversion. The 3.0 generation of the Boost app ⭐Boost AI Search & Discovery will be the next big step in realizing that goal. As the release date is just around the corner, here is some heads-up for you to know exactly what to expect in the brand-new Boost app.

Tap Into AI Within Site Search

One landmark pillar in the launch of Boost 3.0 Powered by AI is the embracement of cutting-edge AI technology in search algorithms. Natural language processing (NLP) is employed to understand users’ search queries better. The process includes facet extraction, intent understanding, typo tolerance, and synonym detection, which help improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

  • Facet extraction with AI intent understanding analyzes a user's search query based on appropriate details such as color, style, intended use, and price range
  • Typo tolerance recognizes and corrects typing errors
  • Synonym detection generates synonyms based on various data sources to automatically enhance the accuracy of search results.

This huge upgrade makes your site search far more efficient in delivering relevant and accurate results.

ai layer in ai powered site search of boost ai search and discovery for shopify
How NLP in Boost AI-powered search works.

Also, this upgraded search algorithm reduces “No results" cases to a great extent thanks to Precision search, Partial search, Numeric search, and so on.

Another highlight of the new Boost site search engine is the ability to search for a range. For example, long tail queries like “dress between $70 to $100” or “sale 50%” are well handled and bring back accurate results.

search for a range in boost ai search and discovery for shopify stores

The scoped search suggestion works like an in-collection search but is displayed right in the autocomplete dropdown. This streamlines the product discovery process since shoppers can enter a collection and find the desired products in that collection at the same time.

scoped search of boost ai search and discovery

Unlock Recommendation Power

More than just a filter and search app, Boost 3.0: AI Search & Discovery involves more customer touch points for conversion rate optimization. The brand-new Product Recommendation feature covers the 4 most important pages (Homepage, Collection page, Product page, and Cart page) and includes the top 8 popular recommendation types:

  1. Frequently Bought Together enhanced by AI✨
  2. Related Items (3 sub-models) enhanced by AI✨
  3. Trending Products
  4. New Arrivals
  5. Best Sellers
  6. Most Viewed
  7. Recently Viewed
  8. Hand-picked Products

AI-based recommendation models in Boost 3.0 cater to each store segment. The system adjusts itself to fit in with different categories like fashion, home and decor, electronics, and so on. Using the human-in-the-loop process, you can flexibly tailor our AI models to meet your specific needs.

ai based product recommendation in boost ai search and discovery

Moreover, Boost 3.0 AI-fueled Product Recommendation deployed Machine learning (ML) algorithms in the background. This makes sure that the system is continually and seamlessly trained with the newest data; thereby, generating more and more relevant and personalized product recommendations.

product recommendation of boost ai search and discovery

Alongside AL/ML, the recommender system in Boost 3.0 leverages rule-based settings, statistical analysis, and manual selection. Therefore, it is easy to set up and manage, and still allows great customization capabilities.

Install Boost NOW to get AI-fueled Site Search and Recommendation ready on your store in our upcoming release!

Try Free Now

Reimagine Merchandising

After the release of Boost 2.0, our merchants have probably gotten used to the Merchandising tool that shuffles the search results and matches them with time-framed promotions or sales campaigns. The Merchandising feature in Boost AI 3.0 will be reimagined.

Besides search results of particular queries, our merchants can now manipulate the results of all keywords and the product order on a particular collection page.

Rule-based Merchandising, Product Ranking, and Product Visibility are assembled and turned into 4 main rules: Pin, Boost, Demote, and Hide. Plus, there is one new Filter rule for search results. This new rule works like magic when you want to limit the product results to meet certain criteria.

How Does The Filter Rule In Boost 3.0 Work?

filter rule in merchandising feature of boost ai search and discovery

Take the Christmas promotions as an example. You want to put the ultimate limelight on themed colors like white, red, and green to create a sense of festivity. For relevant search queries like “Christmas gifts”, create a Filter rule that accepts Product colors: White, Red, and Green. Also, set a time range for it. After that, only products with these three colors will be surfaced on the results for “Christmas gifts" during the festive season.

The flow to set up Merchandising rules is uncluttered, so you can hit the ground running within a few clicks.

Overhaul Analytics

First-hand data is invaluable to all businesses. Therefore, we always keep in mind how to make important metrics like sales, conversion, and engagement accessible to merchants.

new metrics and reports in boost ai search and discovery

Boost 3.0: AI Search & Discovery is upgraded in the number of analytics metrics and how they are presented. In addition to app impact metrics like Sales generated by Boost, Average order value, Revenue per visitor, you can get an inside look into search term performance, recommendation widget performance, product performance with Click count, Order count, Conversion rate, etc. The new Analytics in Boost 3.0 also allows you to add Synonyms or Merchandising rules to give slow-moving products an instant boost.

The date range can be extended to 365 days, so you can easily spot trends and sales patterns to prepare inventories beforehand.

Centralize Theme Settings

In the release of Boost 3.0, we incorporate Product item layout settings, Quick view, and Cart settings in a single location: Theme Settings.

To change the look and feel of:

  • Collection header
  • Toolbar (including View as, Product count, Sort by, etc)
  • Product list layout
  • Pagination style
  • Product items (including Product image and Product information)
  • Quick view
  • Ajax cart

Boost users just need to go to Theme menu in the app dashboard, pick the one they want to apply changes and click Actions > Edit visual design. It will lead you to Theme Settings with a full range of options to style the collection page as you desire.

intuitive theme settings in boost ai search and discovery

To save time, merchants can go to the Layout Library to pick one of the pre-built templates. These templates are based on the design of successful Shopify themes so it's highly likely to bring promising results to your store regarding UI/UX and conversion. For some supported themes, there is another option to “Match with your current theme". It means no further settings, yet the collection and search page with the Boost app still looks consistently great. Awesome, isn't it?

prebuilt layout library and match current theme in theme settings

Personalize Dashboard

personalized dashboard

Besides grand improvements in features, our team also makes the app dashboard cleaner and more intuitive in this release. The overview dashboard is tailored to the users' interests. To enable personalized app suggestions and guidelines, spend some seconds completing the onboarding survey. This will let us alter the dashboard to your needs. The in-app flows are reworked and streamlined so you can get work done in less time.

Fasten Your Seat Belt & Be Ready

Right now Boost AI Search & Discovery is almost ready. We are finishing some last refinements before unleashing the beast.

April 2023 Update: Boost Product Filter & Search has evolved into Boost AI Search & Discovery.

boost ai search and discovery official launch

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 29, 2024
3 min read