How to remove “powered by Shopify”: Tips to replace the link to

Cici Nguyen
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

“Powered by Shopify” is a trademark of Shopify, which they put in their default/ debut themes to indicate their copyright.

It has no effect whatsoever on your store, however, for a professional website, you may need to replace it. This article will show you how to do it in 2 simple ways.

How do you remove the “powered by Shopify”line in the footer?

Method 1: Use Edit Languages setting

Step 1: In Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

Step 2: Find the theme you want to edit, and click Actions > Edit languages.

Go to Edit Language in Shopify to remove power by Shopify

Step 3: In the Search box, type power”.

Step 4: In the “Links/Powered by Shopify” box, you can type in anything to replace this text or if you want to remove it completely, put a “Space” in the box.

Remove powered by shopify

Finally, click “Save”. Check your website to make sure it has changed.

You can watch this video tutorial for more details:


- This method only replaces the text “Powered by Shopify”. If you put different text to the box, it will not replace the link to To find out how to remove the link, please check the next section.

- This method also works with many other themes like: Brooklyn, Prestige, Minimal, Supply, Narrative, Simple, Venture, Boundless, etc.

- If you want to remove the line in the Password Page, you can also use this method. After Step 3, fill in the “Password Page / Powered by Shopify Html” box instead.

Remove Powered by Shopify in Password Page

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Leverage holiday sales with Boost

Method 2: Use Edit Code feature

This is an alternative method, and more familiar with someone who has knowledge of HTML, or Ruby language.

Here is how you do it:

Step 1: In Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.

Step 2: Find the theme you want to edit, and click Actions > Edit Code.

Go to Edit Code Seting in Shopify

Step 3: Go to Sections > footer.liquid.

Step 4: Press Ctrl/ Cmd + F to make a search box appear, then fill in “powered” to find the needed code line.

Step 5: Delete the line below to make the text “Powered by Shopify” disappear.

<small class="copyright__content">{{ powered_by_link }}</small>

Delete the line powered by shopify by edit code

Finally, save and check your website.

Advance tip: How to replace the link to

If you want to replace the “Powered by Shopify” with different text but not linked to, you can also use the “Edit Code” method with a few easy steps:

In Step 5, instead of deleting the line completely, you can replace this code:

{{ powered_by_link }}

with a different text using this formula:

<small class="copyright__content">text</small>

For example:

<small class="copyright__content">Terms and conditions</small>

And if you want to add link to the text, you can add the following code:

<small class="copyright__content"><a href="link" text </a></small>

For example:

<small class="copyright__content"><a href="" Terms and conditions</a></small>

Here is a screenshot after changing the code:

After remove Powered by Shopify line


- Most stores will put “All Rights Reserved”, some will be followed by “Web design by…” to indicate that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for its own use, all the rights provided by copyright law.

Read more:

To sum up

Sometimes, not removing the line is also fine, it can assure your customers that your website is built based on a secure, professional platform like Shopify.

But if you want to remove it, we hope you have learned how to do it through this article.

If you have any questions related to this article, please let us know through our social media channels.

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Cici Nguyen
Email Marketing Specialist
June 25, 2024
5 min read