The Anatomy of a Great Product Page: 8 UX Tips to Boost Sales

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Creating an irresistible product page is like hosting the perfect party. You want your guests to walk in and feel instantly at ease, captivated by the ambiance, and confident they’ll have a good time.

Similarly, a great product page welcomes users with a blend of aesthetics, intuition, and a clear path to a satisfying purchase. It’s where user experience (UX) does all of the legwork to convert browsers into buyers.

With an eCommerce landscape more competitive than ever, your product page is no longer just your brand’s storefront. It’s a conversation, a handshake, and a personal shopper all rolled into one.

So let’s dive into the core of what makes a great product page and how that greatness can turn casual clicks into loyal customers.

1. Address Common Conversion Obstacles Clearly

When customers land on a product page, they come with a set of hesitations. Will the product arrive on time? Is my transaction secure? Can I trust this company with my money?

It’s your job to preempt these questions and knock down these barriers one by one, as smoothly as a skilled host who anticipates every guest’s needs.

Here’s how:

  • Identify the friction points that might deter a customer from purchasing.
  • Use customer feedback, FAQ requests, and industry insights to paint a comprehensive picture of potential concerns.
  • Directly address these concerns on your product page with clear, concise information and trustworthy symbols.

Mannequin Mall, a fashion mannequin retailer, tackles common ecommerce concerns head-on. On their realistic posable male mannequin product page, they don’t just state the product’s benefits. They make them pop with checkmarks, turning reassurances into visual affirmations.

mannequinmall screenshot
  • Fast shipping
    This isn’t tucked away in an FAQ. It’s front and center, dispelling worries about long waits.
  • Human customer support
    They promise real human interaction, not just bots, personalizing the support experience.
  • Safe and secure payments
    By assuring secure transactions, they build trust at the pivotal payment step.
  • Lowest price guaranteed
    Price-savvy customers are reassured they’re getting a deal without the homework.
  • Satisfaction guaranteed
    This blanket guarantee covers a host of unspoken concerns, making the decision to purchase easier.
  • 7-day money back returns
    They address post-purchase dissonance by offering a clear, risk-free return policy.

2. Embrace Negative Space

Negative space, often referred to as white or empty space, is the breathing room around elements on your product page. It’s crucial because it reduces cognitive overload, making the journey to the “Add to cart” button a walk in the park.

When you embrace negative space, you highlight what truly matters without overwhelming your customers. This approach allows the product and its unique selling points to shine. Users aren’t bombarded with information but are guided gently towards making a purchase decision.

Here’s how:

  • Focus on simplicity. Ensure that your product page has enough white space around text, images, and call-to-action (CTA) buttons to draw the user’s attention to them.
  • Consistency in colors and fonts adds to the clarity and creates an intuitive navigation flow.
  • The goal is to make the important messages stand out and let the customer’s eye rest, not wander.

FOCL’s CBD + CBN sleep gummies product page is a masterclass in using negative space effectively. This wellness solutions brand employs a super clean layout with ample white space that allows the product and its key messages to be the heroes.

focl screenshot
  • Minimal, consistent colors
    They use a soothing color palette that echoes the calm their product promises, ensuring the user is not distracted by a riot of color.
  • Sophisticated fonts
    The choice of font is not just legible but also exudes the brand’s premium nature, making the important information leap off the page.
  • Clear visual hierarchy
    FOCL designs its product pages with a clear hierarchy, making the journey from product description to purchase seamless and straightforward.

3. Collapse Non-Essential Product Details

In a world where attention is the new currency, keeping your audience focused is non-negotiable. Overwhelming your customers with TMI (too much information) can dilute their decision-making prowess.

Collapsing non-essential product details is not about hiding information but about structuring content in a way that offers visitors the power to choose what to explore and when.

This strategy respects the user’s autonomy and keeps their journey toward the checkout as distraction-free as possible.

Here’s what you can do to achieve this:

  • Organize information hierarchically. Start with the most crucial product details visible.
  • Group secondary information under expandable headings.
  • This lets visitors drill down into the details at their own pace, preventing information overload and maintaining a clean, streamlined look.

Transparent Labs, a brand in the natural sports nutrition supplements space, showcases their mass gainer supplement with this tactic in play. Instead of bombarding the shopper with every fact upfront, they present the essentials – what the product is and why it’s effective.

The nitty-gritty details, like in-depth nutritional information and scientific backing, are neatly tucked under expandable sections.

transparentlab screenshot
  • Clickable headings
    With clear, concise headings, customers can easily spot and expand the information that matters to them.
  • Prioritized information
    The most persuasive details stay above the fold, immediately visible to reinforce the product’s value proposition.
  • Clean layout
    Even with additional details collapsed, the product page remains clean, guiding the user naturally towards the call to action.

By presenting details in a collapsible format, you can empower customers with choice, and that autonomy builds trust. When customers feel in control, they’re more likely to make a purchase, reflecting the effectiveness of a well-structured product page.

4. Use Video for Complex Product Descriptions

When it comes to online shopping, showing is often better than telling, especially for complex products. A study by Wyzowl reveals that 73% of customers prefer video over text to learn about a product or service.

The reason behind this is videos can break down complex information into digestible, engaging content that not only informs but also entertains. For products with multiple features or detailed usage instructions, a video can convey the core message more effectively than text ever could.

To utilize this, try the following:

  • Create videos that are concise, focused, and high-quality.
  • They should clearly explain the product’s features and benefits without becoming a feature-length film.
  • The video should complement the text, not replace it, offering an alternative for those who prefer visual learning.
  • Optimize the video for different devices and ensure it loads quickly to maintain a smooth user experience.

Bay Alarm Medical, a medical alert systems brand, leverages this strategy on its product pages with finesse. Instead of overwhelming users with long paragraphs explaining how their medical alert systems work, they serve up crisp explainer videos.

bay alarm medical screenshot

This approach not only aids comprehension but also allows customers to see the product in action.

  • Engaging content
    Their videos capture attention right off the bat, making the learning process enjoyable.
  • Clear demonstrations
    They use straightforward language and visuals to demonstrate how their systems work, easing potential concerns for non-tech-savvy users.
  • Accessibility
    The videos are placed prominently on the page, providing immediate access without the need for scrolling.

This strategic use of video as a complementary medium makes complex products accessible and easy to understand, nudging customers closer to a confident purchase.

5. Allow Users to Easily Select Add-Ons

Add-ons can significantly increase the average order value while enhancing customer satisfaction by creating tailored solutions. A McKinsey report highlights that 35% of Amazon’s revenue comes from its recommendation engine, with “frequently bought together” suggestions driving significant upsell.

By making it easy for users to select add-ons, you tap into the potential for a more lucrative cart while providing a personalized shopping experience.

Here’s how:

  • Design your product page so that add-ons are not only visible but also enticing and relevant.
  • Use a clean layout that presents these options naturally, without disrupting the flow toward purchase.
  • Simplify the add-on selection process with checkboxes or toggle switches and provide clear pricing information to maintain transparency.

ShopSolar, a company selling solar power systems, adds a “frequently bought together” feature on their complete solar panel kit product page. This not only suggests the compatibility of items but also simplifies the decision-making process for the buyer.

buy solar kits screenshot

  • Intuitive suggestions
    They smartly recommend products that complement the primary item, like batteries and cable splitters, which customers might need but haven’t thought of yet.
  • Seamless integration
    Add-ons are positioned in such a way that they feel like a natural extension of the purchase, not an afterthought.
  • One-click convenience
    With one click, customers can add these suggested items to their cart, making the process effortless.

By making it incredibly easy for users to enhance their purchases with add-ons, you’ll not only boost your sales but also improve the overall shopping experience.

6. Enable Easy Subscription Purchases

Subscription services are a growing trend in consumer preference. PipeCandy reports that 75% of direct-to-consumer businesses will offer subscription services in 2023.

Subscriptions build customer loyalty and provide a predictable revenue stream. For products that are used consistently, like supplements or personal care items, offering a subscription option is a key strategy for increasing customer lifetime value.

Here’s how:

  • Make the subscription option clear and attractive.
  • Highlight the benefits, such as savings over one-time purchases and the convenience of not having to reorder.
  • Ensure that opting for a subscription is a frictionless process.
  • Provide the ability to subscribe in just a few clicks and display the terms of the subscription for transparency.

Digestive Warrior, a brand selling supplements for digestive health, excels with their BioToxin binder product page by offering customers a choice between a one-time purchase and a subscription that saves them 5%.

digestive warrior screenshot

Here’s how they do it:

  • Clear savings message
    The subscription option clearly states the savings, making the long-term benefit immediately apparent.
  • Simplified choice
    Customers can easily toggle between the one-time purchase and the subscription option, streamlining the decision-making process.
  • Transparent terms
    They provide information on subscription terms in an accessible way, ensuring customers know exactly what they’re signing up for.

The easy-to-use subscription model not only secures recurring sales but also fosters customer loyalty by embedding your products into the customer’s daily routine.

7. Highlight Customer Value

Diving into the nuts and bolts of a product is crucial, but pointing out how features translate to real-life benefits is where the magic happens.

This approach aligns with the classic marketing wisdom: sell the sizzle, not the steak. It’s about striking a balance between the technical aspects of your product and the tangible benefits that resonate with your customer’s needs and desires.

There are several ways to leverage this marketing trick:

  • Begin by thoroughly understanding your customers’ pain points.
  • Communicate how the product’s features specifically address those pains.
  • Use simple, relatable language that ties technical features to customer value.
  • Illustrate scenarios where these benefits come to life. It’s all about making the customer the hero of the product story.

Slack’s promoting their solution for sales teams is a prime example of this strategy in action. This team management platform doesn’t merely list product features but contextualizes each feature to show how it enriches the user’s work life.

slack screenshot
  • Cross-platform integration
    Slack demonstrates how this feature connects tools and services the team already uses, creating a seamless workflow.
  • Improve sales productivity
    Slack maps features such as automating tasks to the user’s desire to close sales faster, showing the direct impact on performance.
  • Smoothen team communication
    They highlight how channels can replace lengthy email threads, making communication quicker and more organized.
  • Save time
    They showcase how their tool streamlines information sharing, which can cut down on time-consuming meetings and check-ins.

By doing this, Slack ensures that potential customers don’t just understand what the tool does but how it will make their work lives better.

8. Provide an Extensive Image Gallery

Since customers can’t touch or feel the products, high-quality images serve as a stand-in for the in-store experience. They allow customers to visualize the product in their space and life, which can significantly influence the purchasing decision.

Here’s how:

  • Use diverse, high-resolution images that showcase your product from various angles and in different settings.
  • Include close-ups to highlight details and textures and ensure that the gallery is easy to navigate.
  • The images should be large enough to allow for a detailed inspection.
  • The inclusion of a zoom function can further enhance the viewing experience.

IKEA, the popular furniture brand, exemplifies how to effectively use an image gallery on their product pages. Rather than settling for a single image or a small slider, IKEA provides an array of large, detailed images for their armchair furniture line.

ikea screenshot
  • Diverse settings
    IKEA showcases the armchair in different room setups, giving customers a sense of how it fits with various decors.
  • Detail focus
    Their images go beyond the standard shots, offering close-ups that reveal the texture of the fabric and the grain of the wood.
  • User-friendly gallery
    Customers can easily navigate through the gallery, getting a comprehensive visual tour of the product.

IKEA’s strategy is designed to compensate for the tactile deficiency of online shopping by providing a visual feast. This helps customers to imagine the product in their home and to do so with a level of detail that builds confidence in their purchase decision.

Final Thoughts

Crafting the ultimate product page is a blend of art and science, a symphony of strategic design and psychological savvy. In this article, we’ve walked through tactics that are not just about showcasing products but about creating a narrative in which the customer is the hero.

The real-life examples that we’ve illustrated above show us that with every click, every scroll, and every zoom, there’s an opportunity to connect, solve a problem, and close a deal.

Now, it’s over to you. Turn these insights into action, and remember: your product page is where your brand meets the world, transforming casual browsing into buying.

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
July 1, 2024
4 min read