Easter merchandising ideas for Shopify stores to drive sales this holiday weekend

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Holidays are a great time for eCommerce merchants as consumers rush online to find the best products for their celebratory plans. Easter is set to be a big one with eased COVID-related restrictions encouraging shoppers to spend more and celebrate bigger.

Online merchandising tactics that capture the spirit of the holiday are a great way to ensure you seize a sizable chunk of the spending to come. It can push shoppers towards a purchase as you drum up captivating inspiration that leads them to the products they desire. To help you along this path, we’ve compiled some festive online merchandising ideas that will spruce up your Shopify store alongside some apps that will bring them to life.

Related:Top Merchandising Tools On Shopify That You Should Try Out

Easter E-commerce Merchandising Ideas For Your Shopify Store

Use searchandising

43% of online shoppers go straight to the search bar when they’re on a retail website. Searchers are also over twice as likely to buy, and they spend more money. With a significant number of consumers planning to shop over Easter, these figures are too big to ignore.

Read more:Predictions for Easter 2022: How will people shop post-COVID?

So, what can you do to excite, entice, and assist searchers? The answer is simple, searchandising or search merchandising! This allows e-merchants to promote products that align with their goals. It also provides a seamless, engaging, and personalized experience for searchers.

search as you type with instant suggestion on yummy bazaar | easter online merchandising ideas

Yummy Bazaar gives prominence to Easter items as suggested items in the search results dropdown.

Over the Easter period, there may be certain products you’ll want to give more prominence to. These could be the items you have as part of a promotion, items included in your Easter-themed collection, or the most popular products if you have a site-wide sale. Give them more visibility in search by boosting them to the top of related searches, or including them in search suggestions.

To cater to returning customers, show them their most recent searches the moment they click on the search bar. It encourages them to purchase recently viewed items for now that they’re at a discounted price.

discounted price showing on the search dropdown on Nine west online merchandising

Nine West displays the discounted price of their shoes in the instant search results dropdown.

Search results can be optimized for the Easter holiday as well. Shoppers expect to see results instantly as they type, but you can make this experience richer.

  • Include images of the most popular or discounted products that match the search term as they type in the dropdown.
  • Also, show the discounted price and star ratings if you have any.
  • Make it clear in both the search dropdown and search results page which items are on sale.

Your store may encounter searchers who aren’t completely familiar with your inventory. These shoppers are likely to enter a search term that doesn’t match any of your products. Rather than presenting them a blank, no results found page, include a selection of your Easter promotional items, and popular items. You could even prompt them to visit your Easter landing page.

Boost Product Filter and Search can take care of all your searchandising needs. Individual products in your Shopify store can be ranked so that they appear where you want them in search results for a given time. There’s also rule-based merchandising which allows you to either boost or bury products based on their attributes such as Product title, Product type, Product price, Metafields, Tags, and more. Plus, instant search results with product images, and no search results suggestions are part of the package.

Not only merchandising on the search results, our new Merchandising tool, which is coming very soon, will also allow merchants to rearrange the product order on collection pages or in the entire store automatically. Therefore, install Boost Product Filter and Search now to get used to our advanced features!

Try Free Now

Run special promotions

Aside from bunnies, eggs, and eating copious amounts of chocolate, Easter is also a time when consumers are on the hunt for discounts and deals. According to NRF, 52% of people who aren’t celebrating Easter will instead be on the lookout for deals.

Since we’re trying to appeal to non-celebrators and celebrators alike, think about discounting products that people may want to use soon. This could be summer clothing and accessories, or holiday items like swimwear, suitcases, and cameras. If you sell high-priced items, this could be a great opportunity to rack in more sales. Consider a site-wide promotion with a % off offer over the long weekend.

sale badge on product grid on calpak online merchandising

Calpak uses large red badges to clearly show which of their products are on sale.

To make this known to deal-hungry consumers, create promotion banners for your homepage and place them above the fold.

As it’s a relatively short holiday period, you can create a sense of urgency to embolden shoppers to take action now.

  • Use words and phrases like Limited time only, and Hurry on your homepage banner, or incorporate a countdown timer.
  • Make it clear which products are on sale no matter where a shopper is by including an icon or a badge on these items.

Be sure to send out communications to prospective customers ahead of time in an email or via your social media channels. A sense of urgency should also be applied here.

A great app to help you run Easter promotions on your Shopify store without a hitch is Bold Discounts. It'll help you with scheduling your sale, automatically tagging on-sale products, adding badges to products, and including a live countdown timer.

Create Easter-themed collections

Now, for those who will be celebrating Easter, get them in the mood by creating collections of Easter items. The first step is to find out what products consumers are after for Easter celebrations.

top easter items | easter online merchandising ideas

(Source: Web Interpret)

Clothing, candy, and gifts are huge sellers during Easter. If you stock any of these products, they should be the basis of your collection. Display the collection prominently on the homepage of your store using Easter-themed imagery. This is a great chance to emphasize the fun of the holiday so opt for visuals like colorful Easter eggs, bunnies, and chicks. Choose a color palette that reflects springtime. Yellow, green, orange, and pink are good choices.

homepage merchandising with promotion banner on yummy bazaar online merchandising

Yummy Bazaar has curated an Easter collection that is shown on their homepage.

Create a landing page

If you plan to incorporate multiple merchandising ideas over Easter, a landing page could come in handy. It’s also a great way to take your Easter-themed imagery up a notch without rebuilding your site.

Like the homepage assets and your holiday-related collections, use Easter-themed or springtime imagery and colors on this page. You could also change up your logo here to make it more Easter-like.

Highlight the promotions you are running over the holiday. In case shoppers reach the page before the sales begin, it’s a good idea to add a countdown timer. Include links to all your Easter-related collections, as well as trending, featured, and new in products if you’ll have a site-wide promotion.

landing page for spring sale on sephora online merchandising

To assist shoppers Sephora has created a landing page for visitors to easily browse through products up for sale. They use pastel shades to evoke springtime.

Any communications you send out to consumers should direct them to your landing page. Also, be sure to include a clear link to the Easter landing page on your homepage or your navigation menu.

Using a page-building app is a great way to make your Easter landing page come to life with little hassle. GemPages could be a big help as it offers Shopify merchants complete design control thanks to its extensive and customizable design elements. It’s really simple to use as it employs a drag-and-drop system for page building. What’s more, there are more than 50 pre-made templates so you can create your Easter-themed landing page in an instant.

Use social media to build up excitement

Social media can be a great tool for showcasing your products and getting consumers excited about your promotional activity. A campaign with a lot of shareability will also help to get more eyes on your brand and its products.

In the lead-up to Easter, let your followers know what discounts and deals to expect if any. You could also give a daily countdown a go for your sales day. If you stock Easter items, show these in your social posts. Make the experience seamless here by signing up for Instagram and Facebook shopping so consumers can buy directly in the app. Doll up your product images and promotional material with Easter-related visuals and springtime colors. Accompany them with Easter-themed puns as this holiday is all about fun and joy.

online merchandising easter puns ideas for social merchandising during easter

Some Easter pun ideas for your social media captions (Source: Good Housekeeping)

To give your posts some virality and interactivity, try teasing the products that will go on sale. This could be in the form of a pixelated picture that becomes clearer each time you post it. Or, for an extra Easter feel, why not post an image or gif of the product in an egg that slowly hatches to reveal itself over time. Encourage your followers to get involved by having them guess what they think the mystery item is. You could also ask them what they’re excited to buy and do this Easter.

social merchandising ideas example on soylent online merchandising

Soylent often uses blurred imagery to tease new products and start a conversation with their followers.

Create an Easter-themed window display

Restrictions throughout most of the world have eased - great news for physical store owners. They could see a greater influx compared to the previous few years of shoppers buying products in person.

A recent survey finds that almost half will shop in-store for Easter. So, if you’re a Shopify merchant with a physical location, you’ll want to start thinking about how to attract Easter shoppers. A great way to do this is with an attention-grabbing Easter-themed window display.

Easter window display online merchandising

The spirit of Easter is captured with pastel colors, flowers, and baby animals alongside gift ideas. (Source: Zen Merchandiser)

For your window display, you’ll need to pick your products carefully.

  • If you sell sweet treats like candies, chocolates, or chocolate eggs these should be front and center.
  • Gifts, particularly children’s gifts, are a top choice for Easter shoppers. Include them in your window display if you have them.
  • Don’t stock any of these goods? No problem! Consumers are on the hunt for a great deal. You can showcase your most popular discounted items here instead.

Next comes decorations.

  • Your color palette should consist of pastel shades to reflect the season.
  • Spring flowers, leaves, fake eggs, bunnies, and toy baby animals also work as a representation of new beginnings and the holiday.
  • Include window stickers to communicate your deals and promotions, and to also signal that your display is for Easter.

Open a pop-up store

If you don’t have a physical store, you can still get in on the in-person shopping action with a pop-up store. As the idea of a pop-up store is to offer customers a unique experience, it’s a great idea to include some Easter-themed activities and confectionery products alongside your usual offering.

Consider doing an Easter egg hunt in your pop-up shop where successful finders can access special discounts or win free candy. As this is quite a kid-centric holiday, consider including activities to keep young ones preoccupied as their parents shop. Coloring sheets or a free play toy area are good options.

hema popup shop for easter online merchandising

Hema created a fun experience at their pop-up shop where customers could play in a ball pit and try unique Easter egg flavors. (Source: The Storefront)

When it comes to decorating, your pop-up shop should be like an inflated window display. Surround your store with flowers and colorful eggs. Draw attention to it with balloons outside, and use pastel colors for your color scheme. Prominently display your deals and activities with signage outside and inside your pop-up shop.

Read more: Why and How to Open a Pop-Up shop for Shopify Stores

Are you egg-cited for Easter?

Easter is an extremely popular holiday among consumers. With this being the first opportunity in a while for consumers to celebrate no-holds-barred, it presents an exciting opportunity for retail merchants.

Merchandising your Shopify store with Easter in mind is a sure-fire way to draw in the swarths of shoppers who are eager to spend. We hope we’ve filled you with the creative spark you need to make this holiday egg-cellent for your store.

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read