B for Better, B for Boost. Welcome your old friend in a refreshing look!

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

This June, it’s a great honor for us to introduce you to new advanced features of Product Filter & Search app. With such major changes, we come back with a more friendly, easy-to-remember image.

Say Hello to "Boost"

Our story started in 2016 with 3 people, sharing one single ambition which is providing online merchants trustworthy e-commerce solutions, optimizing their site, and boosting sales. With that in mind, BoostCommerce was founded and has been making huge progress.

boost achievements boost commerce

We are one of the leading Shopify apps for collection filter and site search

Still, we realized some minor issues with that brand name as we approached more and more customers, cooperated with more and more partners. For example, we are misspelled or called with another name sometimes. Also, the old brand is not easy to recollect for new customers.

Putting the clients’ conveniences first, we looked into it with great attention and reevaluated all of our brand assets. All things considered, the final decision was to upgrade our image into something more straightforward however unforgettable and more friendly.

Since then, our team has been working hearts and souls to a brand new image of Boost Commerce. And today, we are thrilled to finally release the new branding assets that would convey the entire concept that we want to deliver to our invaluable customers and partners.

Our name is Boost

As you may know, we used to call ourselves BoostCommerce. Yet, after 3 years working with thousands of customers and partners, that initial name seems to befuddle many of them. So, from now on, we transformed it officially into Boost Commerce. However, we would like to be remembered as “Boost” for short.

  • Boost means to become better.
  • Boost implies substantial growth for users and partners.
  • Boost delivers the core values that we always want to foster.
new features boost app boost commerce

Boost Product Filter & Search - Increase sales with better search and navigation

Our Logo

To create harmony with the rebranding, we are excited to release the new logo. Let’s take a look at our new Logo:

boost old logo
boost new logo boost commerce

The old version

The new version

We keep the 2 main colors: Red and White from the previous version because it precisely portrays who we are and who we are aiming at. Red stands for our vigorous energy, lifelong passion to continually improve in the field of technology and e-Commerce. White represents efficiency and trust, which are the core values we want to bring to our customers and partners.

Our Vision & Mission

Despite the visual makeover, we remain the same for our core beliefs. Our work has gone that far because it is based on a concrete vision. We will never cease to perform our best to realize our vision: “To leverage every e-Commerce business through technology innovation”.

To make our dream come true, Boost strives to deliver efficient and reliable technology solutions for e-Commerce businesses to grow at scale.

To become a lifelong partner of both agencies and individual merchants, Boost Team always keeps in mind our core values. At the very beginning, our founder not only set goals for our products and business, but they also characterize our DNA. Three years have passed and we still stick to that lodestar in all of our activities.

  • Efficiency: We constantly strive further with focused ambitions. We practice daily to stay solution-oriented in every matter and bring the best values to our community.
  • Trust: We are honest and open with each other, just as we are with our customers and partners. We confide in our members and stay responsible for every work we do, no matter its scale.
  • Sympathy: We care for our community of users, partners, and team members by going above and beyond. We listen and respond with empathy to make sure they are happy.

After all, we are more than happy to share with you the brand update. Don’t forget to check out the New Feature Release Announcement because it can completely transform your store performance. Let us know your thoughts about our changes and connect with us via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, orYoutube.

Hope to see you soon with more exciting updates!

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read