Everything You Should Know About The New Boost Pricing 2023

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

Along with the epic release of AI-powered features, Boost AI Search & Discovery will be equipped with a new pricing structure for add-ons and packages.

Why Do We Build New Pricing With Add-ons And Packages?

To come to the final pricing structure, we’ve listened to your feedback and have taken it to heart. Our new Pricing structure as of 2023 aims to cater to different merchant needs, so we’ve made changes that we believe will improve our service and help your store achieve even greater success.

Add-ons and Packages in the Boost Pricing 2023 enhance flexibility in how Boost users can utilize and optimize our features. By employing innovative feature extensions, we hope merchants can differentiate themselves from competitors, attract more customers, and generate more sales with less effort.

Boost Pricing Structure At A Glance

First thing first, there is no change in the price of your current plan. Our pricing model is based on the number of products in your stores. The starting price is $19 for up to 1,000 products for all Shopify stores except Shopify Plus and $69 for up to 1,000 products for Shopify Plus merchants. As your online store grows and the product count increases, you'll fit into a higher plan.

Check out:What is considered a product by Boost AI Search & Discovery?

When subscribing to Plus plans, merchants will get priority support via email and live chat; phone calls are also available for Shopify Plus merchants to connect quickly with our support team. Additionally, we enhance the on-site experience for Plus customers with dedicated and enterprise-grade servers using Premium AWS infrastructure. This ensures lightning-fast loading time, air-tight data security, and extensive reliability for stores with large inventories.

The pricing packages with all the valuable features you are enjoying and new conversion-boosting features launched in April 2023 will now become the BASIC PACKAGE in the new pricing model of 2023. This means you'll GET MORE at the same price. We'll reveal the unique capabilities of the Basic Package later on.

What’s new with Boost Pricing 2023?

Over the past few months, we have been working hard to develop new features and improvements to our app. We aim to provide you with more flexibility and a greater range of options that better fit your needs and budget. As a result of these updates, we will introduce a new pricing structure for our product. 2 new things in the 2023 pricing structure are Add-ons and Packages.

You can decide to upgrade the current features with add-ons or packages. Or you can choose to stay the same if you are happy with the current settings. All the additional charges for add-ons and packages are 100% optional.

Whatever you decide, the risk is absolutely free. You have a 14-day free trial in all packages. Every add-on (apart from Analytics and Variant Display) also comes with a 14-day free trial. The 30-day money-back guarantee is applied to both of them.

To unlock the free trial for either add-ons or packages, go to the Subscription page after installing the app (no credit card is required for installation), then choose the Package you want to try or click Explore Add-ons.

boost ai search and discovery pricing

Now, let's take a closer look at Add-ons and Packages in Boost Pricing 2023.

What Does The Add-on Store Of Boost AI Search & Discovery Have?

There are 5 feature extensions you can purchase from the add-on store of the Boost app.

  1. Visual Merchandising add-on
  2. AI-powered Search add-on
  3. AI-powered Recommendation add-on
  4. Variant Display add-on
  5. Analytics add-on

1. Visual Merchandising add-on

This will enable merchandising capabilities for collections. As a result, you can create Pin, Boost, Hide, and Demote rules to manipulate the product orders in collection pages. You can either use it in some specific collections or choose to apply merchandising rules on all collections.

merchandising on collection pages for shopify stores

Merchandising on Collection pages is the add-on for the Visual merchandising feature.

High-margin items can be displayed in better positions to get more sales, while the stockouts or outdated can be buried at the bottom of the collection.

2. AI-powered Search add-on

After you unlock this add-on, the site search engine will be upgraded with cutting-edge AI/ML technology. The AI-fueled search function has a better idea of the intent behind a user’s search query, resulting in more relevant search results. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and sales.

AI-powered search add-on also gives you access to AI Synonyms and Scoped suggestions.

AI Synonyms can save you time by suggesting similar-meaning words that you might have overlooked. Our AI model uses advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) to learn the patterns and relationships among common keywords from multiple data sources, including user search queries, search behaviors, and product data. Based on that knowledge, it will auto-generate similar-meaning words.

Meanwhile, Scoped Suggestions show the “scope” (collections or vendors) where the search engine will look for the input phrases. For example, when searching for "dress", Scoped Suggestions can suggest looking for the keyword in collections such as Midi Dresses or Summer Dresses. This works like the in-collection search but right in the predictive search widget.

scoped suggestions in boost ai powered search

Scoped suggestions in the Instant search widget.

3. AI-powered Recommendation add-on

AL/ML recommendation models allow you to create Frequently bought together and Related items with a toggle. There are 3 sub-models in Related items, including Alternative products, Complementary products, and the Mix of both.

After enabled, AI-powered recommendation widgets get updated and trained on the fly. This helps improve efficiency to generate better and better products.

With Frequently bought together and Related items, you can also take advantage of Rule-based recommendation to tailor the recommendation output by yourself.

rule based recommendation for frequently bought together and related items

4. Variant Display add-on

Variants display lets you separate variants of a product and display them as individual products on collection pages and search results pages. This can help shoppers find the exact product variant they're looking for and increase the visibility of the store's products in search engines.

5. Analytics add-on

This add-on will extend the date range in which you can view the analytics data on our dashboard. There are 3 time periods for you to choose: 90 days, 180 days, and 365 days.

The longer period of data analytics you have, the better understanding you gain. Seasonality in eCommerce usually requires a substantial amount of time to observe and identify. The Analytics add-on provides data over a long enough period for you to analyze the patterns and fluctuations in sales to detect long-term trends. This information is an excellent source to make more data-driven decisions regarding inventory planning and marketing campaign adjustments.

Who should purchase add-ons of Boost AI Search & Discovery?

At Boost, we keep in mind that not all businesses are the same. Therefore, we try to make our offerings as “custom-made" as possible. Add-ons in our pricing structure as of 2023 are a flexible solution for merchants to upgrade a specific feature of the Boost app so it matches your need better.

Some additional features or functionality are not included in our base product, so merchants needing these extra features or capabilities may find the add-on worth the investment. These add-ons are also designed to improve productivity or efficiency, which can ultimately save you time. For example, the AI-powered search add-on automatically detects synonyms that your shoppers usually use to search on your store. You just need to review and enable them on the storefront to provide a smooth site search experience.

What Are The Differences Among Three Boost Packages?

Besides add-ons, Packages are a brand-new thing in Boost Pricing 2023. There are 3 packages for both Regular pricing and Plus pricing.

  • Basic
  • Essential
  • Professional

What’s new in the BASIC PACKAGE?

As mentioned earlier, Basic Package is the current features, the current pricing plan (for non-Plus and Plus merchants), and more new features in the April release.

The new features in the Basic Package are:

  • 6 types of Product Recommendations, including Bestsellers, Newest arrivals, Trending products, Most viewed, Recently viewed, and Hand-picked products. The first 5 types are statistic-based, so merchants just need to create recommendation widgets and enable them on the storefront to make them work. Hand-picked products will need some manual settings but you can select and fix the exact the recommended items for specific promotions or sales campaigns.
  • Visual merchandising for search. This is a refined version of the old Merchandising feature with a more intuitive flow to create and preview how the Merchandising rules work. In addition to Pin (equivalent to previous Product Ranking), Boost (equivalent to previous Rule-based Merchandising with High priority), Demote (equivalent to previous Rule-based Merchandising with Low priority), Hide (equivalent to previous Product visibility), there is a new Filter rule.
  • Enhanced Typo tolerance and Search algorithms to handle long-tail keywords with special characters, numeric search, partial search, search range, etc
  • More metrics in the Analytics dashboard. The new Analytics dashboard shows a clearer picture of the search and collection performance. We have added many more metrics regarding revenue, conversion, and engagement, such as order count, conversion rate, and click-through rate. Coupled with Searches with/without results, there is a new report for Searches without clicks.

Soon later, Boost users in the Basic Package can also access the App Impact dashboard and Recommendation analytics. The App Impact dashboard is comprised of many critical metrics for deeper conversion rate analysis, such as Total revenue generated by Boost, Average order value, Total order count, etc. Recommendation analytics allow you to view the performance of your recommendation strategies from diverse angles, such as Page performance, Widget performance, and Product performance.

app impact analytics boost ai search and discovery

First look of the App Impact dashboard that will be released soon.

What is included in ESSENTIAL PACKAGE?

The Essential Package is the upgraded version of the Basic Package with almost all add-ons (except Variant display)

Essential = Basic + Visual Merchandising add-on + AI-powered Search add-on + AI-powered Recommendation add-on + Analytics add-on (date range: 90 days)

What is included in PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE?

The Professional package is the upgraded version of the Essential package with Variant Display add-on and the Analytics date range is extended to 180 days.

Professional = Essential + Variant display + Analytics add-on (date range: 180 days)

Who should upgrade their package of Boost AI Search & Discovery?

We would recommend Essential and Professional packages for merchants who

  • Wish to extend the capabilities for multiple features
  • Have an extensive product catalog with frequently high traffic
  • Want to employ the latest technology and give the store conversion a real boost

Using add-ons as in Essential and Professional Packages can save 24%-35% of the billing when you subscribe to a Basic Package and purchase the add-ons separately.

Before You Leave

To sum up, your monthly bill won't change anything if you choose to stay in the current package which is already upgraded with a myriad of wonderful features. Still, there are new conversion-boosting add-ons and enterprise-level packages with free trial and money-back guarantee (the terms and conditions can be different among add-ons and packages). Therefore, we hope that you can play around, give these advanced, AI-powered features a try, and make your decision later.

Visit our Pricing page to see the detailed price for add-ons and package.

Finally, we want to thank you for your continued support and feedback as we strive to make our product the best it can be. If you have any questions or concerns about the new pricing structure, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team via support@boostcommerce.net.

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read