2020 BFCM of Boost Product Filter & Search In Restropect

Ellie Ho
Jun 7, 2024
3 min read

2020 BFCM occurred in a very unusual situation in which most brick-an-mortar stores had to close. As a result, the year-end sales was shifted online with many new records.

As expected, the total revenue of all Shopify stores during the peak weekend skyrocketed, up 76% compared to 2019 BFCM sales. However, the average cart price slightly decreased to $89.20 per order.

Regarding users of Boost Product filter & search, we witnessed a huge increase in filter engagement, 94% up from October. Sales generated from searching and filtering actions was $34.161 per store on average.

This year, with significant improvements in system and service, we successfully helped more than 8,000 Shopify stores all over the globe carry out BFCM sales. Many of them have super high traffic and considerable product number. Boost also reduced the best response time to 0.02s, half of the last year figure.

Have a look at the infographic below to see more key statistics.

Ellie Ho
Content Marketing Specialist
June 17, 2024
6 min read